Warping instead of waiting

Monday, June 18th, 2012

What's in w-space today? Or, more importantly, who? Not Fin, not at the moment, but as we're in the same corporation it's kinda cheating to assert that so confidently. No one in the home system either, at least according to my combat scanning probes. All we have are some more ...

Still nothing but a Pilgrim

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

Maybe I'll get to shoot another ship today. That is, if I remember how. It seems like w-space has been pretty quiet of late and not offering much in the way of targets. You've got to keep your optimism up, though. My glorious leader is here to help too, having ...

Fulfilling the primary mission

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

Fin is in Amarr after yesterday's excitement. Let's get her home. There's no chance of a direct connection from empire space, as we reside in class 4 w-space, so we have to rely on the kindness of strange systems. There isn't a suspiciously convenient K162 from class 2 w-space connecting ...

Asymmetric action

Friday, June 15th, 2012

My glorious leader tells me we have two wormholes again today. Our static connection to class 3 w-space is joined by a K162 from class 5 w-space. As Fin found them, Fin gets first pick, and she chooses to head upstream to C5a. Me, I float downstream like a dead ...

Keep ignorant and carry on

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

I'm hoping for a fresh constellation today. Yesterday's had the lingering stench of stagnant, um, vacuum, with all of the dying wormholes littered around. The home system looks clear, and has the static wormhole in the same place as yesterday, but a second wormhole may mean I'm already being watched. ...

More decay without death in w-space

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

I'm looking forwards to some more mining today. No, the other one! Slaughtering miners. I just need to make sure I don't spook them. And that I find some in the first place. Scanning the home system has no traces of miners taking advantage of the bountiful rocks we currently ...

Provoked inactivity

Monday, June 11th, 2012

I'm ready to take a poke around tonight's w-space constellation, with only one caveat. I need to reveal it first. Two extra signatures at home may indicate an extended constellation, and they do, kind of. A K162 from class 2 w-space connects in to our home system, but the wormhole ...

Logistics in Amarr

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

I'm back, what's changed? Nothing in the home system. I know, I've scanned. Our neighbouring class 3 w-space system has the single Sleeper wreck decayed to the void, now leaving nothing of interest to be seen. At least the dying wormhole I resolved earlier is also gone, giving me a ...

Nothing but a single Sleeper wreck

Friday, June 8th, 2012

Will exploration today give me a meandering map or compact constellation? I get my covert Tengu strategic cruiser on-line earlier than usual to find out. An extra signature at home turns out to be just gas, so I resolve our static wormhole and jump to the neighbouring class 3 w-space ...

Decay but no death in w-space

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

What to do, what to do. I have scanned a fair-sized w-space constellation already, so I could roam around it in a stealth bomber, but our neighbouring system has a reinforced tower and customs office that still have a day left on their timers, the class 4 system behind that ...