A short history of moving wormholes

Saturday, September 8th, 2012

That was when Fin and I moved a wormhole and tried to catch a transport aiming for it, but Sleeper technology has since been upgraded to prevent that kind of shenanigans. I remember looking for the post describing these events when it came to editing the above entry, but couldn't find ...

Ship-spotting and hauler-popping

Friday, September 7th, 2012

It seems our sister system had fun with our linking wormhole after I left yesterday. They baited a fleet that was trying to close the wormhole, the fleet not realising that owning both systems gave our pilots increased boldness and a second staging point, and successfully routed them with some ...

Home help

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

I come on-line for an afternoon jaunt through w-space, looking for an industrial ship or two to destroy. Hullo, I don't have to look far it seems, as a Noctis appears on my directional scanner as I cloak in a corner of the home system. Then again, the Noctis is ...

Isolate and return

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

Back, and hopefully refreshed, I arrive with Aii having finished scanning our neighbouring system. The class 3 w-space system has an exit wormhole to low-sec empire space that's at the end of its life, and a couple of ladar sites. Will Aii gas it up? No, because the gas isn't ...

Lacking in spirit

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

A new radar site in the home system and bookmarks leading out to empire space greet my arrival in w-space. All seems dandy for a roam, until I warp to the bookmarked static wormhole and end up in empty space. It looks like I have to scan my way out ...

A little bit of everything

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

Aii's here. Ish. 'I'm in C3a', he says, probably because our rock field has vanished. Only the crappy rocks floated away, though. The high-value rocks were all chewed in to manageable chunks and stored in a new extra-large hangar we had to import specially to hold all the ore, such ...

Bumping in to blues

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

I appear to be early. What can I do with myself? There's nothing to do in the home system but mine, which means there's nothing to do in the home system. I resolve our static connection and jump through. The neighbouring class 3 system looks much more interesting, not because ...

Failing to salvage a class 1 w-space anomaly

Saturday, September 1st, 2012

Our diminishing gravimetric site is still mostly intact in the home system, but there's no one around to take advantage of that. I don't count as a miner. Instead I resolve the only other signature and jump through the static wormhole to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, looking for ...

Lack of combat leads to mining

Friday, August 31st, 2012

I could use a bit of cheering up. Popping a planet goo hauler would work, but I can't find one in the home system. I suppose that's for the best, as Aii may not like me shooting him again. Scanning my way out of home shows just a gravimetric site ...

Late-night loitering

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

The frigate hunt is over and there are no suitable systems to rat in. I'm about to head home when I realise there is another class 3 w-space system yet to be explored. Shev turns up to help Aii and I push in to unknown space, whilst Fin continues buying ...