Staying isolated

Friday, May 7th, 2010

Our home system is deserted when Fin turns up, shortly followed by me. There is evidence that if a static wormhole is not activated, by warping to and thereby loading its grid, the K162 side does not appear either. Knowing this, Fin suggests that 'if we don't open ...

Scanning a route to nowhere

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

W-space is mine to explore. I quickly find the static wormhole in our own system and jump in to the C4 on the other side. The neighbouring system holds no surprises, being unoccupied and mostly empty, the outer planet keeping a close eye on the system's static wormhole. ...

Ships scattered to the solar wind

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

I am almost ready to switch corporations. I have dropped my roles from DGSE in preparation and I wake up to find myself bouncing off the shields of the new tower. I have a couple of hours before the twenty-four hour grace period elapses, after which I can ...