Weirdos from another w-space system

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Let's see if I can find someone to stalk. Space has seemed pretty quiet of late. There's no one in the home system, of course; that would be too easy. I'll try next door. Resolving our static wormhole and jumping to the class 3 w-space system has nothing and no ...

Just poking around

Monday, September 16th, 2013

It's just the static wormhole that's new at home, and our neighbouring class 3 w-space system doesn't seem much more appealing, not with only a tower and shuttle visible on my directional scanner. I initiate warp to a distant planet so that I can launch probes only to see a ...

Dumb move

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

I'll maybe have just a little poke around w-space tonight. Aii's on-line and has scanned a bit, which should help speed up matters. 'I'm hunting in C2a.' Oh? Are there any pilots? 'A Myrmidon is clearing a site alone.' Well then, I'd better get a ship to you. My directional ...

Getting reactions without a reaction

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

I'm scanning in a huff, having missed hitting a hauler in a case of horrible happenstance. I only continue scanning in the hopes that I will find a better opportunity further down the chain, which, considering I am in a class 1 w-space system, does not seem terribly likely. But ...

Taking what we can get

Sunday, September 8th, 2013

Mmm, pie. But back to space, and if our neighbours remain dull I'll take my frustration out on our static wormhole. Well, someone's awake, as there are two full sets of scanning probes in the home system. There are no new signatures, though, so whoever is in our system has ...

Wormholes don't just connect w-space

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

I'm hoping today that explosions will come sooner than it takes to strip down an entire tower and almost relocate to a new one. With just the static wormhole in the home system I have an obvious direction to travel, and our neighbouring class 3 w-space system has ships visible ...

Descending in class

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

Standard operating procedure. Launch probes, check home is clear, and resolve our static wormhole. Jumping to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system sees core scanning probes on my directional scanner and nothing else. Core probes don't detect ships, and as I am out of d-scan range of anything obvious I ...

Tackling a tourist in a Tengu

Monday, August 19th, 2013

Home has been raided again. It's our own fault really. We shouldn't store our Sleeper loot in the Sleepers, as they aren't that secure. And how secure does the home system currently look? Not great, with a second wormhole connecting in to us. Maybe the K162 leads to the class ...

Traces of activity

Friday, August 16th, 2013

Old sites have dispersed, new sites have coalesced. Such is life in w-space. What's elsewhere? Two towers and a Thanatos carrier appear on my directional scanner in our neighbouring class 3 system, and I'm pushed seven kilometres from the K162 when jumping in to the system. Even without that clue ...

Going backwards finds gooing

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

I have a mapped constellation to roam. Let's just hope it is more active than when I uncovered it earlier, as it seemed like what few pilots were visible were pretending their towers' force fields were one-way space hides. But before I go roaming forwards, a new signature in the ...