Rocking the Splat Zones

Thursday, April 21st, 2016

Whatever we were doing in this battle, we were doing the right thing! Good turf control, I suppose, plus I managed to keep myself out of trouble for the most part. I got to know Mahi Mahi Resort quite well during the previous Splatfest, helping with my situational awareness. Having a ...

Where's the support in Splat Zones?

Wednesday, April 20th, 2016

I'm sure my squidmates are doing something, I just don't really know what. Mind you, a pattern throughout the evening on Camp Triggerfish Splat Zones is seeing one team with the longer-range weapons dominate. As the other map is Mahi-Mahi Resort, it's a tough call what to equip. I hoped my Splattershot ...

Hard won Splat Zones

Sunday, March 27th, 2016

16-6 in Splat Zones with the Splattershot Jr. I must be doing something right. This may be one of my best Splat Zone battles so far, and certainly with a shooter. I am particularly pleased with hunting down that pesky charger, and downright proud of lobbing a Splat Bomb on his ...

Back-and-forth Splat Zones

Saturday, March 26th, 2016

Splat Zones will be the death of my ranking. I get what I have to do, and I kinda can do it sometimes, but other squids just seem that much better than me a bit too often. Today seems to be an exception, at least as far as wins goes. I ...

Close call in Rich or Fit Splatfest

Thursday, March 10th, 2016

The battle felt closer than it turned out to be, even though it's still quite close, maybe because that Killian squid kept jumping me from out of nowhere. He's an aptly named kid, that's for sure. A disconnection before the next battle gives me the opportunity to change my equipment, so I ...

Not missing a mine in Rich or Fit Splatfest

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

So close to going 5-0 with the Splattershot Jr in this battle, but I step over a mine and can't get away in time. Never mind, we're racking up the points for Team Money in the EU Splatfest! Next I'm trying not to hassle newsquids. I can only be so aggressive during Turf ...

Super-jump splats in Rich or Fit Splatfest

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Squids were super-keen to super-jump in this Splatfest battle, and other squids were just as keen to wait and welcome them with ink spraying. I continue where I left off last night, with the Splattershot Jr. Its Bubbler should come in handy, and its ink efficiency is superb. Flounder Heights is such ...

Turning it around in Turf War

Monday, January 18th, 2016

Sticking with the Splattershot Jr for now, and so a different tactic than with the Splash-o-Matic. I don't try to cross in to opponent territory as soon as I can to cause some disruption, but ink up as much turf as necessary to charge up my Bubbler special to start ...

Giving the Splattershot Jr a go on Turf War

Sunday, January 17th, 2016

Another new weapon to try. Well, maybe not a new weapon, but one I've not used in a long time. The Splattershot Jr is one of the first weapons available, and is a good reason why many squids overlook it once they can get their tentacles on many more weapons. ...