From splatted to splatter in Splat Zones (14-6, Tri-slosher)

Saturday, April 8th, 2017

Splat Zones on Piranha Pit, with a Splatterscope on the other team, and I don't immediately head pell mell for the charger? Yes, I'm playing the objective! Long may it last. Ah, there we go. I spy the charger and think I am in a good position. But the Splatterscope ...

Rolling around the Splat Zones (10-3, Carbon Roller Deco)

Friday, April 7th, 2017

The battles move to Splat Zones, but I stick with the Carbon Roller Deco. The Warehouse is where I had my first decent Carbon Roller battle, so I'm hoping lightning will strike twice. At least during one of my matches. Seekers and rolling are good for movement and inking turf, and ...

Always forwards in Rainmaker (13-8, Carbon Roller Deco)

Friday, April 7th, 2017

Time for some quick Carbon Roller Deco fun before the battle modes change. The Seekers help us get to the centre of Arowana Mall nice and quickly, and I sneak past the Rainmaker to gives us an early advantage. That jump-splat would have been legendary, I reckon. Back along the side ...

Forward pressure in Rainmaker (4-1, Tri-slosher)

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Okay, I said it's easier to move from the Carbon Roller to the Tri-slosher, but the evening starts with Rainmaker on Moray Towers and Arowana Mall. This calls for the bucket! Once again, it seems like all the cool kids come out to play on a Monday night, so the ...

Stealing the glory in Rainmaker (3-3, Tri-slosher)

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

I rush to the centre of Arowana Mall, as I tend to,but with the intention of sneaking around the back. I am stalled by a similar inkling from the other team, and have a squidmate to thank for my not getting splatted so soon. I don't last too much longer, ...

So much splatting in Tower Control (19-7, Tri-slosher)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

A bit of aggression mixed with caution at the start of this battle. It's a pretty good mix, getting me a splat and keeping me safe. If it weren't for the Splattershot Jr's Bubbler, I probably would have kept going longer. But such is the Bubbler, and I know how ...

Inky support in Tower Control (9-1, Tri-slosher)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

The purple team are off to a flying start! Or one inkling is, which isn't quite enough to do much with the Tower, and we chase her off pretty quickly. I wonder where the other purple inklings are. Just slightly behind their first, it seems. I climb up the Heights again ...

Finally taking control in Tower Control (9-5, Carbon Roller Deco)

Tuesday, April 4th, 2017

I'm not sure I approve of the trade at the start of this battle. I am trying to be cautious, inking some turf, and not getting in to trouble. But the number of times I am splatted by falling ink is getting on my nerves a bit. Still, at least ...

Turning the tables in Splat Zones (6-3, Carbon Roller Deco)

Tuesday, April 4th, 2017

Phew, what I think is a defensive start goes poorly, as a Splattershot Pro blasts me from a rising platform. It can't get much worse, right? Maybe the side route offers a better launch point for my Seekers. Nope, blocks or platforms in the way. Fair enough. I know that ramp ...

Some good splats in the Splat Zones (11-5, Carbon Roller Deco)

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

Camp Triggerfish Splat Zones has been going well for me with the Carbon Roller Deco tonight, so I start this battle as I have the others. I would say it works even better than usual, but I don't think I really had a hand in it. Even so, I keep the ...