Thursday, April 13th, 2017
Right, time for some more concentrated splatting than with the Splatterscope. I pull out the Carbon Roller Deco to see if I can gain some Rank back. That early Seeker splat is nice, squidding in to a Splat Bomb less so. At least I get just about out of the ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Splats everywhere in Tower Control (13-6, Carbon Roller Deco)
Wednesday, April 12th, 2017
I'm not too impressed with being back down in A Rank, but I can make the best of my situation and pull out the Splatterscope for a bit. I'm fairly average with it at the best of times, and out of practice at the moment. But hopefully I can do ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Sidestepping in Tower Control (6-3, Splatterscope)
Wednesday, April 12th, 2017
Sticking with a duo-squad and buckets for the two of us in Splat Zones for the moment. Hammerhead Bridge is a map where my position on the base pretty much suggests which way I go at the start, as everything seems viable. Left this time. In to the Splat Zones ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on What a comeback in Squad Splat Zones (9-5, Tri-slosher)
Tuesday, April 11th, 2017
I'm a duo squad for a bit, having been invited by AceThunder. I started with the Carbon Roller Deco, but seeing my squadmate opt for the Tri-slosher encourages me to swap over too. I show some good sense to start with, chucking a Disruptor ahead of me to slow a ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Bucketing splats in Squad Splat Zones (11-2, Tri-slosher)
Tuesday, April 11th, 2017
Phew, I move just in time when lurking behind that wall. I don't want to rush in to being splatted, but I want to ink the Splat Zones. When nothing happens I push forwards, just as a Killer Wail starts to form around me. I must be feeling lucky, because ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Carbon Roller double squish in Splat Zones (10-4, Carbon Roller Deco)
Monday, April 10th, 2017
That E-litre 3K could prove to be trouble for us in Tower Control in Museum d'Alfonsino, and for me in particular with my short-range Carbon Roller Deco. It would be nice if he didn't prove it within seconds of the battle starting, though.
In a move that suggests personal progress, I ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Squishy revenge in Tower Control (11-8, Carbon Roller Deco)
Monday, April 10th, 2017
It's not the best-aimed Seeker I've thrown at the start of a Kelp Dome battle, but it hits the ramp well enough to ink a path over for me. This is not a cautious route, it has to be said, and actually quite aggressive. But once over the top, with ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Caution pays off in Tower Control (5-2, Carbon Roller Deco)
Sunday, April 9th, 2017
This has been another big losing streak. From the middle of S Rank, a brief will-I/won't-I in A+, and down to A Rank. It's just been one of those weeks. Well, let's see if I can have some fun with my new almost-favourite weapon, the Carbon Roller Deco.
I don't launch ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Being A-class in A Rank Rainmaker (9-5, Carbon Roller Deco)
Sunday, April 9th, 2017
I feel I've neglected the Tri-slosher a bit with my new-found like of the Carbon Roller Deco, so I am trying to split my time between the two weapons more. I can feel a bit more aggressive with the Tri-slosher, not being quite so reliant on turf control, but holy ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Always have a bubbler ready in Rainmaker (9-6, Tri-slosher)
Saturday, April 8th, 2017
Look at me being a team player! I even get a 'Nice! for splatting an inkling. That's encouraging! I soon run in to some ink, though, and do it again. And with not only the Splat Zones entirely green, but most of the turf around them, our chances in the ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on From green to pink in Splat Zones (10-7, Tri-slosher)