Tuesday, April 18th, 2017
Not a great start to this battle. My first Seeker is okay, the second detonates too soon, and the lack of ink in my tank because of this restricts my options. I have to sit back and watch what occurs. I think I have a good opportunity with a Roller ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Tough lead to overcome in Rainmaker (11-8, Carbon Roller Deco)
Monday, April 17th, 2017
There doesn't look to be a good Seeker path from the base on Hammerhead Bridge Rainmaker. But the Seeker glides over the podium nicely, and continues over the grating, even if it doesn't ink anything. It works a lot better than my second, rather lacklustre Seeker. But let's move on ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Splats for everyone in Rainmaker (14-5, Carbon Roller Deco)
Monday, April 17th, 2017
My Seeker is on the edge leading off this battle, but it's a straight line that I can follow. I hold back, not wanting to get mired in the initial tussle for the Rainmaker, where the Carbon Roller really doesn't want to be, and push forwards only when it looks ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Splatting to the podium in Rainmaker (10-3, Carbon Roller Deco)
Sunday, April 16th, 2017
There's really only one way to go at the start of a battle on Mahi-Mahi Resort with a Carbon Roller Deco, and that's behind a launched Seeker, straight ahead. It works better when it goes straight too, but never mind that. And never mind about the Killer Wail splatting the ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Splatting support in Rainmaker (14-2, Carbon Roller Deco)
Sunday, April 16th, 2017
A different route in Hammerhead Bridge Rainmaker this battle. Down the corridor to the right, aiming for the inkable block to come up and flank the purple team. It's hard not to be spotted, though, and I am spotted. But I think the Splatterscope forgets about the inkable block, and ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Splats away in Rainmaker (16-8, Tri-slosher)
Saturday, April 15th, 2017
Whee! Speedy to the centre, then slightly more circumspect to avoid an early splat. I throw a Disruptor over the top to frustrate the teal inklings there, and divert to follow an ink trail for splat. I go back to help break open the Rainmaker's Shield, which works better when ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on How I splat you in Rainmaker (16-7, Tri-slosher)
Saturday, April 15th, 2017
The Mahi-Mahi Resort water level doesn't drop immediately in Rainmaker, only when one team gets close enough to the podium. That makes the route around the side a little more hazardous and open to being stopped. I go that way anyway, because I enjoy it so much.
I get to a ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Superb support in Rainmaker (5-0, Tri-slosher)
Friday, April 14th, 2017
I do enjoy skirmishing around Walleye Warehouse with a Tri-slosher. I like it perhaps more when there's a charger to harass, all friendly like. And, sure, we lose the Splat Zones initially, but it's not the end of the battle, and I somehow survive loads of ink being tossed around.
My ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Not really surviving the Splat Zones (12-4, Tri-slosher)
Friday, April 14th, 2017
The Tri-slosher and Flounder Heights go together well for me. Splat Zones is more hit-and-miss, though. It's a good start to this battle, with a conventional move to the top of the Heights, capture our Splat Zone, and I chuck a Disruptor over the top to hopefully frustrate a green ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Turning the battle around in Splat Zones (11-3, Tri-slosher)
Thursday, April 13th, 2017
Some more Tower Control, and after a few fun but rusty Splatterscope battles in Kelp Dome I swap to the Carbon Roller Deco. So of course the next battle will be on the angles of Hammerhead Bridge. I can make it work, particularly with one battle for orientation.
I start this ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Carried away with splatting in Tower Control (10-4, Carbon Roller Deco)