Salvaging Sleepers and stealth bombers

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

Nom nom nom, I wonder if anyone's appeared in our neighbouring class 3 system yet. I can't say for sure, but I know that glorious leader Fin is in our w-space home. She reports that the two ageing wormholes I resolved earlier have died, which should prevent angry strategic cruisers ...

Minimal w-space adventure

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

I have no overriding plan for today, I'm just going to see what's out there. Then again, I suppose that's pretty much my 'plan' for every day in w-space, as there really isn't much that can be predicted. I never know if I'll run in to a bored miner, be ...

Slow night ends with Sleepers

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

All the myriad connections from yesterday are no doubt gone, leaving me to see what we're left with today. Surprisingly, it looks like we still have all our anomalies, although that may have more to do with Fin's one-sided flirting in the local channel with a pilot from the connecting ...

Quietly scanning and shooting Sleepers

Saturday, November 26th, 2011

Fin's found a wormhole as I arrive, but it's not our static connection. It's easy to assume that the first wormhole you resolve will be what you're expecting to find, especially in your own home system, but we're staring at the bloody pustule that is a K162 from deadly class ...

Looking for a Loki

Friday, November 25th, 2011

The Fin Report: we're at the end of the universe. My glorious leader is ahead of me and scanning, quite thoroughly, our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. It has 'two exits to low-sec, about four jumps apart, in the arse end of Khanid—one hop from Aridia'. And now the weather ...

Shooting Sleepers isn't boring

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

We've chased away a Loki and got ourselves a quiet w-space constellation again. Now it's time to make some iskies. Our neighbouring class 3 system has plenty of anomalies to plunder but I would prefer to eradicate the last of the Sleepers at home, a couple of anomalies sprouting up ...

Not trusting a truce

Friday, November 11th, 2011

I'm back and keen to know what's happening. Glorious leader Fin is here, which is good, but she's unresponsive, which isn't as good. Whilst I wait to get a response I warp across to our home system's static wormhole and jump in to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, looking ...

Null-sec rats and Sleeper artefacts

Sunday, October 9th, 2011

There is still just the one signature at home, I'm liking this ease of scanning. I'm not enjoying quite so much being the only pilot out here, but I never really got the hang of the whole socialising scene. It puts me in a bit of a dilemma, not wanting ...

Scanning, fuel, and Sleepers

Friday, October 7th, 2011

It's so much easier to know you're isolated when you only have to count up to one. The sole signature picked up on my scanning probes in our home w-space system must be the static wormhole, confirming I'm by myself again. It's lonely out in space, as a famous man ...

Sticking it to a Skiff

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Alone again. Maybe I should be hibernating. Or socialising! Yes, probably hibernating. I'm already kinda sleepy, but until I drop off I may as well scan my way out of the home w-space system. Hello there! Seven sites, all rocks and gas, have finally dispersed in to the ether, leaving ...