Early exploration

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

I have a niggling feeling I've been neglecting our tower of late. I'm sure the last time we put fuel in it we topped it up completely, giving us plenty of time until it next needs attention, but I forget when that was. Taking a look at the fuel levels ...

Staying alive

Saturday, April 9th, 2011

Fin's just jumped next door, and she's thoughtfully left me a bookmark to the static wormhole in our can. I'll join her in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system in a moment, I have to check my mail first. There's a curious message from a pilot I don't recognise about ...

Sleepers after a Hulk

Monday, April 4th, 2011

It's just me and Fin again. Mick chased an Orca industrial command ship collapsing a wormhole, and the wormhole collapsed. He's isolated out in empire space until we can find a new entrance for him to use. Scanning is a daily task, though, so hopefully we can get him back ...

Finishing what others start

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

Everyone's here already, but I'm told our neighbouring system is boring. The class 3 w-space system has four anomalies, one ladar gas harvesting site, and a static exit to low-sec empire space. There is a tower, too, but no activity. Sounds okay to me, we can make some iskies to ...

Watching wildlife in class 3 anomalies

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

Fin's out and about, exploring w-space and destabilising wormholes. An return Orca passage hauling ore out to empire space and bringing fuel back in takes its toll on our static connection, the industrial command ship massive enough to make a dent by itself. And with a fleet now active in ...

Iskies for nothing

Sunday, February 27th, 2011

We have visitors, big visitors. A Legion and two Tengu strategic cruisers, a Raven and two Maelstrom battleships, and a Basilisk logistics ship are all on my directional scanner in the home w-space system, and I'm fairly sure Fin and I aren't piloting them all, particularly as Fin isn't here. ...

A class 3 radar site and anomalies

Saturday, February 19th, 2011

Fin's out scanning. We form a fleet and I warp to her position to get an easy ride to today's static wormhole, and Fin reports it to be the only wormhole in our system today. Jumping through puts us in an unoccupied class 3 w-space system, where a quick scan ...

An evening for Sleeper profit

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

Today's scanning finds me a new ladar signature and a new wormhole. I resolve them both, but jump through only one. There must be more than a single planet and its moons in this class 3 w-space system, so I bookmark the wormhole, launch scanning probes, and warp away to ...

Simple Sleeper slaying

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

Glorious leader Fin is in our connecting class 3 w-space system. 'Occupied, no one home, low-sec.' Situation normal, then. We form a fleet and I am guided to the wormhole leading out to low-sec, able to find the static wormhole in our home system as Fin copied the bookmark to ...

Hobbling a Heron

Saturday, February 5th, 2011

Glorious leader Fin has blood on her new Crow, and now we're continuing to cake it on our Tengus. The interceptor caught an Imicus frigate—with a little help from my scanning—scouting our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, which we took to be a potential threat to our Sleeper operation. Rather ...