Slowly getting to high-sec

Saturday, September 20th, 2014

One good anomaly beckons to me in our home system. I continue to ignore the ghost site, resolve our static wormhole—the only signature in the system—and warp to our tower to take the Golem marauder on another excursion. It's pretty straightforward, popping Sleepers, having the wrecks lazily pulled towards me ...

Little profit, little activity

Thursday, September 18th, 2014

I have a bit of me time to start the evening. There are anomalies piling up in the home system and just the two signatures. Launching probes to scan resolves our static wormhole as the only connection, the other signature being a gas site. Our system is isolated, letting me ...

Mission: Anomalous

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

We have more anomalies than I almost know what to do with. There are a handful of good ones too, but what can I do with them? I've finished my review of Oblivion, unless I want to mention the bombastic score too, but I think I've done enough. I suppose ...

Pulling in profit from Sleepers

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

How closed is our system? It looks pretty closed to me at first glance, the silly discovery scanner showing me two signatures amongst the anomalies I'm already eyeing up. Those will be the relic site I scanned yesterday and today's static wormhole to class 3 w-space. I launch probes anyway, ...

Sleepers and a Revelation

Saturday, September 6th, 2014

A few days away from space must mean the gas is gone. Seems so. Just about everything has gone, in fact. Still, two good anomalies have popped up, available to be cleared, and a single signature means a single wormhole, our static connection to class 3 w-space. That makes it ...

Seeing orange in low-sec

Sunday, August 31st, 2014

It's just me, a pocket of gas, and our static wormhole to start off the evening. There are also a couple of good anomalies, double what we had yesterday. I am tempted to leave them another day, see if they turn in to four for tomorrow, but I like keeping ...

Two stabs at bagging some plunder

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

That's a lot of signatures. Sure, it's the same number as yesterday, but still. It's a lot of signatures. There's even a new anomaly, my favourite type in the home system, and I think I'll clear it of Sleepers to rake in some ISK. I scan and resolve today's static ...

Starting with Sleepers and scanning

Saturday, August 23rd, 2014

Oh no! Our anomalies have been pilfered by dirty pirates in the couple of days that I've been absent. The stinky anomalies I wasn't going to clear anyway. And new anomalies have appeared, including one of our favoured type. But, still, it's the principle that matters. Stinkin' pirates! A favoured anomaly ...


Saturday, August 16th, 2014

It's all change at home. A bit of time away sees all five scannable sites missing from space, dispersed by the solar wind, and four new signatures wafted in to replace them. I would try to contain my excitement if they weren't all likely to be gas sites which I'll ...

Taking on a Tengu

Monday, August 11th, 2014

There's been some churn at home, with some new signatures coming in to the system from wherever. I launch probes and scan to determine what we've got, resolving a couple of gas sites and some relics, which suits me fine. Out to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system I go. ...