Ice floe, nowhere to go

Friday, May 8th, 2009

With penguins on icebergs greeting travellers by sea Northrend is clearly a cold continent. Although there are some regions of relative warmth, where hot springs break the surface or mountains provide shelter from prevailing weather conditions, others are covered by permafrost and ice. Lake Wintergrasp is such a ...

Patch 3.1 changes to the battle for Wintergrasp

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

The recent patch to World of Warcraft brought about some changes to the Battle for Lake Wintergrasp, the regular zone-wide PvP engagement with which my death knight has been heavily involved. One change is for server restarts and maintenance no longer to affect the outcome negatively. From the patch notes, ...

For the Alliance! Again!

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

A little while back I got in to an Alliance raid to assassinate the four leaders of the Horde. Whilst Thrall and Sylvanas Windrunner fell to our onslaught a second raid had already visited Cairne Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff and Lor'themar Theron in Silvermoon City, cutting the adventure short. ...

Argument to allow non-80s in Wintergrasp

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

I join a raid group for another battle for Wintergrasp in the middle of another discussion about throwing out all the characters below 80th level. The raid leader is 74th level and there is a smattering of other lower-level characters in the group, including myself. Appeals to reason ...

The battle to enter the battle for Wintergrasp

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

The raid group for the Alliance battle to take control of Wintergrasp is filling up nicely, with only three spots left, when someone asks if we should 'kick all the non-80s from the raid?' It is quite poetic, then, that he is quickly booted out of the raid by ...

Defending Wintergrasp

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

It may be that the regular open PvP battle for control of Lake Wintergrasp is an attackers' game but that doesn't make defending the keep impossible. The Alliance raid group that has collected seems experienced and determined to repel the Horde from invading and taking control. Of course, ...

The battle for Lake Wintergrasp

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

The battle for control of the open PvP zone Wintergrasp is an attackers' game. Despite the defenders having a fortress in which to be protected and medium-range turrets to repel intruders the attackers can assault the fortress from many sides. The defence generally either tries to stop each ...

Chains of Ice in Warsong Gulch

Friday, March 6th, 2009

Chains of Ice is an excellent death knight spell in PvP combat. It is a ranged spell that roots the target and although any damage to the target breaks the rooting Chains of Ice has a secondary slowing effect once broken, preventing rapid escape of the target. In ...

Getting closer to combat

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

I pop in to New Eden to run a mission or two with my low-standing agent, hoping to boost my standings and wallet a bit so I can find a better quality agent and fund my inevitable loss of ships and equipment when I start engaging in PvP combat. ...

Staying safe in low-sec with safe spots

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

When you are in a low-sec system in EVE Online it is a good idea to have some 'safe spots' prepared. A safe spot is simply a place you can safely sit your ship temporarily with little risk of being accidentally stumbled in to by another, perhaps hostile, pilot. ...