Negotiating with a miner

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

'I'm looking at a Covetor mining.' What beautiful words. They make me want to jump in my Onyx heavy interdictor and blow the crap out of the mining barge and pod the pilot. But I am getting ahead of myself and have to store the HIC and ...

Manoeuvring around a Machariel

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

W-space is well-connected again today. There are plenty of bookmarks to copy in to my nav-comp, which means I can leave behind my Buzzard scanning boat and head out to roam in my Manticore stealth bomber instead. I warp to our home system's static wormhole and jump through ...

Incidental Ishtar

Monday, July 5th, 2010

W-space beckons me again. I take my collection of bookmarks to wormholes and wander around the neighbourhood to see what's happening. The local cluster seems relatively quiet, including a system I overlooked earlier in the veritable constellation of w-space systems all connecting in to each other today. ...

Looking for high-sec

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

We're going to roll our hole. Regardless of the ambush of the salvager and the occupancy of the same class 3 w-space system, the lack of decent exit to empire space is feeling restrictive. We want to get out to high-sec space, for a change, to buy some ...

On being a carebear

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

'... sure, because I'm such a pirate compared to you.' 'Admission is good for the soul.' 'The what?' 'It's what died when you popped Akulx the second time.' 'Oh, I remember it now. I don't miss it.' 'It's not too helpful out here.'

Bumping in to a familiar clone

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

I've missed some action. I turn up at the tower just as a small corporation fleet is returning from successfully engaging a couple of combat ships. It's always good to see kills with no losses posted on our kill-board. The engagement may mean there is no one ...

Slow salvaging scuppers sinking

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

My colleagues are out scanning, so I get a free ride through a couple of systems. I am guided to our static wormhole, warped across the neighbouring class 4 system to its static connection, and jump through in to a C5. Judging from everyone's temperament, and my use ...

Ventilating a Vexor

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

The previous static wormhole is dead, I must find the new one to begin today's adventure. Jumping through the static wormhole, once resolved, reveals only celestial bodies within range of the directional scanner, plus one giant secure can. I launch probes and prepare to scan, bookmarking the wormhole ...

Sabotaging another salvaging operation

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Systems have been scanned, there are bookmarks waiting in the can. I make copies and follow a corporation colleague as he goes off to roam in his Arazu recon ship, choosing a Manticore stealth bomber for myself. I have visited our neighbouring class 4 system twice before, the ...

Catching a Catalyst

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

A scout through today's mapped w-space systems shows little activity. Glorious leader Fin checks the high-sec exit from the C1 system whilst I loiter nearby, and moments after she jumps through an Omen cruiser warps to the same wormhole and follows. The cruiser warps away from the high-sec ...