Not bombing a Badger

Monday, March 7th, 2011

Even though the two systems I've travelled through are quiet there is still one more to explore, not yet having jumped through the K162 to the class 5 system. I get my Buzzard covert operations boat out again to take a look. Only one planet is visible on my directional ...

Cat and mouse

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

It's just me at the moment, me and a bookmark. A rather familiar-looking bookmark, I have to admit, and I realise that it points to our static wormhole from yesterday, a wormhole that must have collapsed by now. I delete the old reference and go scanning anew, happy to see ...

Shields work

Saturday, March 5th, 2011

No scanning for me today. Glorious leader Fin got here before me and has taken on the task herself, already in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system and eyeing up prospective targets. There is even copied in to our shared can a bookmark that points to today's static wormhole, so ...

Bubbles are meant to inconvenience others

Friday, March 4th, 2011

The rocks are dead. The mining sites that I activated a few days back have despawned, leaving nothing but empty space where they once were. That's nineteen bookmarks I can remove from my folder, and nineteen fewer pins in the system map to confuse my finding our static wormhole each ...

Shooting through clouds

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

I return to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system in my Manticore stealth bomber, looking for trouble. Two pilots sit inside the shields of the tower in the system, one in an Iteron hauler, the other in a Megathron battleship, but the Megathron isn't there for long. Just as I ...

Hollow threats

Friday, February 25th, 2011

Fin's been busy, scanning her way out of our class 4 w-space home, through our C3 neighbouring system, and out to the arse-crack of New Eden that is Aridia. Sadly, apart from a couple of covert operations boats, whose origins are unknown, there is little to see or do in ...

Waiting for the salvager

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

I have no idea what's going on. The ships I was stalking have left the system, I know that much. I assume the Drake battlecruiser and Typhoon battleship saw my Manticore stealth bomber enter the class 3 w-space system, but maybe they didn't. And maybe it didn't even matter. A ...

Nattering with the neighbours

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

We may have had visitors. Fin is here and notes that the home system was active earlier, which means we are scanning for more than simply our static wormhole. Thankfully, the wormhole is in a nicely conspicuous location today, near the outer planet where there aren't many other signatures, and ...

Sacrificial Badger

Sunday, February 13th, 2011

It's time to hunt. I resolve our static wormhole only to find it to be curiously a gravimetric mining site. A second new signature turns out to be a ladar gas harvesting site, further hampering my exploration beyond our home w-space system. But the third new signature is our static ...

Comedy of errors

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

Fin's out exploring, and with the bookmark to our static wormhole in our shared can I think I'll join her. There are two towers in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system today, and a couple of ships visible on our directional scanners. Fin has found one tower, making the Drake ...