From Russia with love

Thursday, May 12th, 2011

Like Schrödinger's capsuleer, Fin's here and not here. I see her in our corporation channel but not in our home w-space system, and thankfully she's not too far away, only in our neighbouring class 3 system and not some festering petri dish of biological samples that is empire space. Our ...

Sleepers and slow interception

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

All is quiet, despite others being here. W-space seems sleepy today, and even taking my stealth bomber for a roam in our neighbouring class 3 system doesn't wake anyone up. There are two towers in the C3 but a lack of ships, and no one is stirring. With a bit ...

Hassling a Hulk pilot

Monday, May 9th, 2011

The home system is still empty on my return, and it's perhaps a little optimistic to hope that the neighbours are out harvesting gas in the lone site in their class 3 w-space system. I am keen to find out, though, so I board my Manticore stealth bomber and take ...

Counter-ambush with a twist

Friday, May 6th, 2011

Fin warps back to our tower to drop a bookmark in our shared can, politlely letting me jump ahead in to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. I'm not sure why, as I completely missed spotting the wormhole amongst all the other signatures and had to follow behind just to ...

Buzzed by a Buzzard

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

Collapsing the wormhole isn't going to plan. Fin's been throwing her Orca industrial command ship through it, and Mick's added a battleship or two. But it takes the Curse of Penny to destabilise the wormhole to a critical degree, shrinking to the point of collapse on my way out of ...

Low-sec Retribution

Sunday, May 1st, 2011

Glorious leader Fin's here and scanning. She resolves our static wormhole almost as soon as I arrive, letting me ride on her coat-tails to jump in to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system right behind her. The directional scanner shows no sign of ships, letting us launch probes and take ...

Never go back

Friday, April 29th, 2011

Damn. I'm meant to be getting food to calm my grumbling tummy, but jumping back from the idle class 2 w-space system in to our neighbouring C3, and only one jump from home, I see two Dominix battleships on my directional scanner. The local tower is far on the other ...

If at first you don't succeed, bring more ships

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

It looks like collapsing the wormhole attracted the attention of some capsuleers hoping to catch a juicy Orca prize. Thankfully Mick and I were around and in suitable enough ships to repel the attack and protect the industrial command ship, as well as Fin being prepared for such an assault ...

Action comes to us

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

We partake of some light Sleeper combat to start the evening. There are two class 2 w-space systems connecting in to our home C4, but one has allies and the other is inactive. Our neighbouring C3 is not particularly interesting either, but we may as well make some profit from ...

Bargaining with an ambusher

Monday, April 25th, 2011

Our neighbouring w-space system holds plenty of profit today. A full twenty-one anomalies wait to be harvested, along with whatever sites can be found amongst the other twelve signatures, the plentiful resources explained by this being what must be one of the few remaining unoccupied class 3 systems in w-space. ...