Profiting from other's efforts

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Intruder alert, intruder alert! I wake up on the outskirts of our home w-space system as is usual, cloaking immediately in my covert Tengu strategic cruiser, and all looks normal. I launch scanning probes, throw them out of the system, and warp to a spot within directional scanner range of ...

A cloaked ship is not a safe ship

Monday, November 7th, 2011

This is more like it. Combat ships, drones, and wrecks, all on my directional scanner. There are industrial ships and a tower as well, but who cares. A little w-space constellation spread out from a hub of a class 3 system connects in to our home system today, which has ...

Waiting for a second shot

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

I've been a whirlwind of activity so far tonight. At least, as far as New Eden and w-space are concerned. Popping a Noctis salvager within minutes of scanning my way out of our home system, and bagging some jettisoned Sleeper loot for my efforts, is about as efficient as I ...

Nudging another Noctis

Monday, October 31st, 2011

Hi, w-space, what's happening? Not much, Penny! That's okay, I'm not going to ask about your TPS reports, I just want a poke around tonight's constellation, see what's out there. There's little left at home apart from anomalies, the static wormhole being the only signature, but jumping in to our ...

Quick crack at a battlecruiser

Sunday, October 30th, 2011

I'm not expecting much tonight, only looking to poke around our neighbouring w-space system. No one and nothing is in our home system, giving me a suitably low-key start to the evening and leaving just the static wormhole to resolve as a new signature. Jumping through to the class 3 ...

Shunting a shuttle

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

Empty system, empty heart. I need to scoop the corpses of innocent miners in to my cargo hold in order to cheer me up. And as the home system is empty I'll need to scan my way out of here so I can find those miners. I launch probes to ...

Bumbling behind a Bustard

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

I'm back, and wondering just how much of the w-space constellation from earlier still exists. A K162 in our neighbouring class 3 system started looking a bit peaky as I returned through it from my scanning expedition, the collapse of which would cut off half of the systems worth roaming ...

Running foul of rocks

Monday, October 24th, 2011

Another day, another empty home system. Scanning my way out of here is simple as always but picking a direction is not as straightforward as usual, there being a second wormhole present today. Along with our static wormhole to class 3 w-space there is also a K162 from class 4 ...

Probing for a planetary popping

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

With only a little time planned to spend in space today I'm not expecting to do much more than take a short look around, starting with the home system. An unexpected signature has appeared which when resolved turns out only to be more gas, leaving me just the static wormhole ...

Getting a second shot

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Nothing's new in the home w-space system, letting me jump early through our static wormhole. Nothing appears to be happening in the neighbouring class 3 system either, with only a bunch of warp bubbles visible on my directional scanner. They could indicate occupation somewhere out of d-scan range, or they ...