Looking for trouble

Friday, September 28th, 2012

I remember now. There's an N968 in this system. I just got a bit distracted by the gas harvesting operation through a K162 to class 5 w-space. But now that I have disrupted the operation, by podding the pilot hauling gas in his Badger, and fleeing from the fairly prompt ...

Successful scanning sends us a ship

Monday, September 24th, 2012

Fin's here, which is always a good sign. A lack of bookmarks may indicate she's currently gassing it up, but it turns out that she's just arrived and is launching scanning probes, just like me. That's just a coincidence, though, and we're probably not the same person. Yesterday's new pocket ...

Yesterday's Legion

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

A continued lack of new sites gives me an easy start to the evening, as I resolve our static wormhole and jump to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system. A tower with no ships graces my directional scanner, which is a change from an unoccupied system seven months ago but ...

Race for the prize

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Okay, I'm not going home. I can't scan my way through a null-sec system with an astonishing eleven wormholes without at least trying to exploit this opportunity. The class 5 w-space system I've ended up in may have a static connection to a C6, but the supposed threat of deadly ...

Caught in an anomaly

Sunday, September 9th, 2012

Aii's here but not responding to my pings. I'll follow his bookmark breadcrumbs to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, which he has kindly left behind. The C3 looks clear from the wormhole, judging by my directional scanner, but an adjustment to show everything and not just occupation and threats ...

Bumping in to blues

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

I appear to be early. What can I do with myself? There's nothing to do in the home system but mine, which means there's nothing to do in the home system. I resolve our static connection and jump through. The neighbouring class 3 system looks much more interesting, not because ...

Failing to salvage a class 1 w-space anomaly

Saturday, September 1st, 2012

Our diminishing gravimetric site is still mostly intact in the home system, but there's no one around to take advantage of that. I don't count as a miner. Instead I resolve the only other signature and jump through the static wormhole to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, looking for ...

Riddle me this

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

Aii and Fin aren't collapsing the K162 from class 4 w-space in our home system just because they can. As Aii was cleaning up some gravimetric site Sleepers in that system Fin spotted a pod jump through the wormhole to our home system and warp towards the empire space exit ...

Brawling with battlecruisers

Friday, August 24th, 2012

'The wormhole's dead', I tell Shev. Not that it really matters, I suppose, as scanning a system a minute after I collapsed a connection to a dead constellation is the same as scanning the system fresh. I don't think he's had his morning Quafe with added caffeine yet either, so ...

Nothing to see here

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

The culling of the indigenous Sleeper population trudges on, alongside the continued the growth of the indigenous Sleeper population. One of us should perhaps take the hint. Despite the handful of signatures dotted around the home w-space system I am still left with only the static wormhole for me to ...