Starting to move w-space systems

Friday, October 29th, 2010

The move to a class 5 w-space system is on. We are leaving our class 4 home behind us to progress towards owning capital ships and fighting the Sleeper escalations they create, deeper w-space connections, and more dangerous neighbours. The first stage is effectively complete, a suitable C5 found with ...

Finding an exit for isolated pilots

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

A colleague is stranded in high-sec space. I copy the five bookmarks in the can at our tower and warp out in my Buzzard covert operations boat to explore, and hopefully find a way home for the isolated pilot. The static wormhole is still present and healthy, and I jump ...

Scanning, roaming, returning

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

Roaming w-space ends early, before I've even left the home system. My Manticore stealth bomber drops out of warp in to empty space, the bookmarked location no longer holding a wormhole and being another arbitrary point in space. The bookmarks I copied are no longer current, but instead of scouting ...

Planet goo piracy

Friday, October 8th, 2010

An invitation to explore is returned with our scout, bookmarks for today's w-space constellation connections copied to our shared can. I make my own copies of the bookmarks and warp to our static wormhole in my Buzzard. Not all connections and systems have been mapped, so I am expecting to ...

Spot the ambush

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

I'm trapped. I've jumped in to a class 4 w-space system after following a Helios covert operations boat in the hopes of finding activity and, as a reminder to be careful what you wish for, found plenty. A pair of interceptors and a couple of strategic cruisers are camping their ...

Trapped by an ambush

Friday, October 1st, 2010

Today's exploration is underway. I go to join a scout through our static wormhole where the class 4 w-space system should be familiar. I was last here only three weeks ago but both towers listed in my notes are no longer present. Indeed, the system is now uninhabited and apparently ...

A C2 for ambitious pilots

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

Damnation, I choose you! Turning up fashionably late to Sleeper combat means the corporation fleet already has two Guardian logistic ships and I can pilot my cuddly command ship instead. I'm not just in it for the aesthetics, the warfare links will provide the Guardians with more spare capacitor energy ...

Buying another replacement heavy interdictor

Monday, September 6th, 2010

I need a replacement Onyx. My heavy interdictor has just been blown up by some battleships and strategic cruisers. As luck would have it, there is an available exit to high-sec empire space that I can use. The route to the exit wormhole passes through the system ...

Turning the tables

Sunday, September 5th, 2010

It is a good time to explore. The home system's static wormhole has only just been found and opened, and today's neighbouring class 4 w-space system holds a tower. I warp to the wormhole and jump through, locating the tower by using the directional scanner. I have ...

Disparate roaming

Saturday, September 4th, 2010

A corporation fleet is hunting, in the same way that a spider hunts. I turn up to learn that a Buzzard covert operations boat is scanning in our neighbouring class 4 w-space system but doing so from within the safety of his tower, so the small fleet is lurking ...