Returning to the fold

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Still on hiatus from our class 4 w-space home, glorious leader Fin and I may have opportunity to base ourselves out of w-space again. A second arm of our corporation, operating out of a class 5 system, have an exit to high-sec empire space that is close to our current ...

Making like a banana

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

The home system looks quiet. Intelligence puts a maximum of a couple of possible hostile pilots available to cause disruption, but none seen locally recently. My mission can go ahead, and I start scanning for an exit. The static wormhole leading to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system is easy ...

Targeted for destruction

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

Taking my replacement stealth bomber out for a roam looks like it may get an early kill, until the Tengu strategic cruiser I shadow across a couple of anomalies turns out to be blue to our corporation. His yellow skull of piracy masked the blue square of chuminess, which whilst ...

Tackling a Tengu

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

It's just me, Fin, and some combat probes in our home system today, and the probes are Fin's. I turn up just as our glorious leader has resolved the static wormhole and she warps the two of us in its direction. Having found the wormhole it's only fair that Fin ...

Noctis under guard

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Our new neighbours remain busy. I left them after they popped a hauler trying to pass through their class 2 w-space system and now Mick is watching their Noctis salvager clear up Sleeper wrecks in an anomaly. He'd be shooting it, if it weren't for the Legion, Tengu, and Drake ...

Not getting involved

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Two holes to penetrate sounds like fun! One is our static wormhole, leading to class 3 w-space, the other is a K162 coming from class 2 w-space. As the K162 must have been opened from the other side there is more likely to be activity in the C2, so I ...

Isolated Sleeper combat

Sunday, June 12th, 2011

There is movement afoot in a nearby class 4 w-space system. An Anathema covert operations boat may be headed my way, spotted by glorious leader Fin sitting on the K162 connection between our neighbouring C3 and the C4. She has scouted the system and seen a couple of combat ships ...

Dodging Dominix

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Lots of ships could mean activity, but most of them are merely parked. A new class 3 w-space system to explore holds a Brutix battlecruiser, Buzzard covert operations boat, three Dominix battleships, a Drake battlecruiser, two Raven battleships, a Scorpion battleship, and a Scythe cruiser for Mick to see on ...

Too much space, not enough stupid

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Like day-old bread, the bookmarks in our shared can have gone stale. Instead of having an easy ride to explore w-space I first need to scan, which thankfully our sparse system makes easy. I resolve our static wormhole and note that no other connections are present at home, before jumping ...

Nidhoggurs and Naglfars

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

I'm back, and in a stealth bomber. A well-connected w-space constellation must make for ripe hunting grounds, and we have eight systems to roam today. I say 'we' but it is still just me. I'll just have to see what kind of havoc I can wreak by myself for now. ...