
Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

It's all quiet in the home system, I've little choice but to scan. Well, I suppose I could shoot rocks or gas or... so, I've little choice but to scan. But even scanning can't have me avoid running in to gas, with two new ladar sites cropping up, making our ...

Finding fuel

Friday, January 20th, 2012

I'm out for a brief reconnaissance of the w-space constellation, just because I feel like it. That's the way I roll. The home system is clear, which is the way I like it, and the only unexpected signature is a new build-up of gas, which I settle down again before ...

Strategic cruiser and salvager

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

Well, look what we have here. A Tengu, Drake, and Noctis, not a tower in sight, and wrecks spread all around. It looks like I was hasty in assuming this class 1 w-space system was uninteresting, after finding six ships all unpiloted inside a tower. Warping to the outer reaches ...

Two-pronged ambush

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

'I just jumped', says my glorious leader as I arrive. I wonder aloud if I startled her, then laugh at my own joke, before launching scanning probes so I can find our static wormhole and join Fin in an occupied but empty class 3 w-space system. It's my third visit ...

Chasing gets me chased

Friday, December 30th, 2011

I'm out for a quick poke around w-space, to see if anyone is being careless. Not at home they're not, where all is as expected. I resolve our static wormhole and jump through. The neighbouring class 3 system looks imposing, with three stealth bombers and one well-equipped tower visible on ...

Another empty ambush

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

I've scanned the w-space constellation and found it bare. I had to stop with the minimal route, our neighbouring class 3 system having a single wormhole exiting to low-sec empire space, and the low-sec system also holding no other wormholes. I am returning after a short break with the intent ...

Dropping on a Drake

Sunday, December 4th, 2011

That Drake's new. Certainly, it's hard to tell a new ship at a glance when there are so many visible on the directional scanner, and made harder when checking d-scan after transiting between systems brings up a completely different display. But I've been vigilantly watching d-scan in this class 3 ...

Looking for a Loki

Friday, November 25th, 2011

The Fin Report: we're at the end of the universe. My glorious leader is ahead of me and scanning, quite thoroughly, our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. It has 'two exits to low-sec, about four jumps apart, in the arse end of Khanid—one hop from Aridia'. And now the weather ...

Strategic cruiser chase

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

My glorious leader is in our neighbouring system as I arrive. There's nothing to see in w-space at the moment, apparently, causing her to turn around and guide me to our static wormhole so that I can help scan. I pause only to note that some of the sites in ...

Apocalypse now

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

It's the Apocalypse. At least, that is my assumption, because the wormhole collapses moments after flaring. It looks like the pilots from the class 2 w-space system made the wrong choice of ship. They were forcing the early collapse of a wormhole connecting their system to ours, after I had ...