Crashing, collapsing, crushing

Monday, June 25th, 2012

It's a full house. Is mining happening? 'It was considered, then we found two wormholes.' My glorious leader is currently in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, resolving what turns out to be a fresh outbound connection to class 1 w-space, and invites me along to take a look. I ...

Easily distracted

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

I've popped a hauler without even knowing where it's come from. That seems a little impolite, so I'm heading the way it was, before it fled my unwanted advances, to see if I can rectify the situation. I assumed this class 4 w-space system was the end of the constellation, ...

Warping instead of waiting

Monday, June 18th, 2012

What's in w-space today? Or, more importantly, who? Not Fin, not at the moment, but as we're in the same corporation it's kinda cheating to assert that so confidently. No one in the home system either, at least according to my combat scanning probes. All we have are some more ...

Still nothing but a Pilgrim

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

Maybe I'll get to shoot another ship today. That is, if I remember how. It seems like w-space has been pretty quiet of late and not offering much in the way of targets. You've got to keep your optimism up, though. My glorious leader is here to help too, having ...

Asymmetric action

Friday, June 15th, 2012

My glorious leader tells me we have two wormholes again today. Our static connection to class 3 w-space is joined by a K162 from class 5 w-space. As Fin found them, Fin gets first pick, and she chooses to head upstream to C5a. Me, I float downstream like a dead ...

Getting lucky in finding wrecks

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Fin may be here in spirit, but not much looks to be happening. As I wait for my glorious leader to get back from the khazi I scan the home system, free from pesky mining sites for once, for our static wormhole and jump to the neighbouring class 3 w-space ...

Chasing a chase

Monday, May 14th, 2012

I wonder what delights await beyond our static wormhole today. A K162 connection to class 2 w-space in the home system has already given me a direct line to Amarr for logistics, a missed crack at a Vexor cruiser because of those logistics, and also a missed engagement with a ...

Taking on a Tengu

Friday, April 20th, 2012

I'm heading forwards. Backwards provided a little entertainment, as podding a capsuleer saw my security status plunge to new lows, but the class 3 w-space system behind a K162 in our home system only holds sleeping pilots. One was doing nothing when I first entered, and two were up to ...

Ignoring a small issue can make it grow

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Burn, baby, burn. Three gas sites and two rock sites have all evaporated in to the vacuum, which should make scanning simpler now. And indeed it is, with just the one signature in the whole system. I like this. I resolve our static wormhole—for it can be nothing else—and jump ...

Picking on a Proteus

Friday, April 6th, 2012

All is clear, all is quiet. I launch probes from my hiding spot in the home system, configure them for a blanket scan, and warp cloaked to a safe spot nearer the middle of the system. All was clear and quiet from the edge of the system, but there is ...