Having fun around the Splat Zones (8-1, Kelp Splatterscope)

Wednesday, January 11th, 2017

Yep, I've been knocked down to A-. So it goes. I'm thinking I shouldn't be down here long, but not even my mad Splatterscope skillz with a Z are reliably helping me win the battles. It doesn't help when I forget to release the trigger before squidding. One thing I notice ...

Shouldn't have swum through the Splat Zones (6-5, Kelp Splatterscope)

Wednesday, January 11th, 2017

The Kelp Splatterscope! No relying on Splat Bombs this time. It seems like a good idea, with the Sprinkler for Splat Zones, and Killer Wail for Port Mackerel and Walleye Warehouse. That's if I manage to use them both, particularly as I still haven't got it in my head which ...

Going it Alone

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

Rainmaker, Camp Triggerfish. Still using my Kelp Splatterscope. The game starts as normal, with a rush up the middle by most of us, and a bit of a brouhaha at the Rainmaker. There's not much that grabs my attention as we vie for position and ink advantage, not until about ...

Accidental Rainmaker

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

Rainmaker, Camp Triggerfish. I am running with my Kelp Splatterscope, because of Triggerfish's nice, long stretches of open space, and the few vantage points looking across the water. A couple of charged shots gets me up to within shooting distance of the Rainmaker, and my team are right with me. ...