Straight-line scanning

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

An empty home system is a good place to start an evening's quiet exploration. Rocks and gas that appeared earlier in the week have dissipated, leaving me with some newly clustered rocks to ignore and a static wormhole to jump through. The designation of our neighbouring class 3 w-space system ...

Shooting fish in a black hole system

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Earlier reconnaissance has paid off, but only in finding the wormholes and not the activity. A corporation moved in to a class 1 w-space system whilst I was stuffing my face, but knowing where to find the C1 let me cause some disruption in my stealth bomber, popping a Mammoth ...

Housewarming in the cold of space

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

I'm fed and watered, and ready to see if my earlier reconnaissance will reap any rewards. Before I get carried away looking for targets I launch probes and scan the home system, ensuring I'm not about to be made a target myself. No new connections have opened up here, so ...

Laying the spacework

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

I'm taking time to make an afternoon reconnaissance of w-space, hopefully laying the groundwork for later ambushes. Or spacework. Either way, I start as I always do by scanning the home system. All looks normal and I resolve our static wormhole, letting me jump to our neighbouring class 3 system. ...

Quiet times in low-sec

Monday, December 19th, 2011

Tonight will definitely be a relatively quiet night. Or short, at least. I will find a miner, pod him, then go to sleep, or I'll give up after the first couple of systems. I appreciate having plenty to explore but don't fancy it every night, as the exploration can easily ...

Plenty to scan, little to shoot

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

I fancy a short poke around tonight's w-space constellation before settling down at home with some hot chocolate. Something simple, not too involved. There is no change in the home system from yesterday, which is a good start, leaving me to resolve the static wormhole and jump in to our ...

Compensating for bad timing

Saturday, December 17th, 2011

I'm out in low-sec, the hauler's got away, and it looks like a carrier is left to take care of an unanchoring tower. But the evening's not over yet. On scanning my way out of the home w-space system, across low-sec, and through more w-space to the deadly class 6 ...

Manoeuvring misses the moment

Friday, December 16th, 2011

A stabilising system is an unbothered system, which is how I find home at the start of the evening. If I want bother, I have to look further afield. Scanning reveals five signatures now, looking positively cluttered compared to recent days, and although I get a pang of excitement about ...

Minimal w-space adventure

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

I have no overriding plan for today, I'm just going to see what's out there. Then again, I suppose that's pretty much my 'plan' for every day in w-space, as there really isn't much that can be predicted. I never know if I'll run in to a bored miner, be ...

Scanning back and forth

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

I'm back and hoping my previous reconnaissance will now pay off. I plan to ditch my covert Tengu strategic cruiser for a more appropriate ambushing Manticore stealth bomber for my roam, removing the sensor recalibration delay and gaining a faster locking time, along with harder hitting torpedoes and the devastating ...