Leaving combat to meet a hauler

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

I'm back, what's cooking? A fuel BPO, which is apt for my apparently off-hand comment. Apart from that, I imagine we're sandwiched between two systems of absent pilots. Glorious leader Fin confirms that for our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, but jumping through the K162 in our home system to ...

Persevering for a PI popping

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

It feels like a while since I've shot another pilot for kicks and giggles. I should remedy that. I've got the disco playing, let's go hunting! Well, exploring first, and there's no guarantee I'll find anyone, but thanks for harshing my buzz, Penny's inner voice. Even so, I have a ...

Miners and Sleepers

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

Fin's here but not here, floating in her isolation chamber for a few minutes. I'll scan the home system. A new signature is revealed by my probes, today being a second wormhole for a change, a K162 coming from class 4 w-space. Hoping for some activity I jump through the ...

Restocking the hangar

Saturday, January 21st, 2012

Glorious leader Fin is ahead of me, sitting outside the tower in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. That makes my scouting easy, as all I have to do is pay attention as Fin tells me about the Devoter heavy interdictor and Dramiel frigate unpiloted in the tower, which itself ...

Finding fuel

Friday, January 20th, 2012

I'm out for a brief reconnaissance of the w-space constellation, just because I feel like it. That's the way I roll. The home system is clear, which is the way I like it, and the only unexpected signature is a new build-up of gas, which I settle down again before ...

Accidentally finding the fleet

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

Whee, skill queue updated! One of these days I may even get to use a new skill, maybe some of these new-fangled guns I keep hearing about. They're like missiles, but use capacitor energy, have difficulty tracking fast-moving objects, and have confusing ammunition requirements. I can't wait! For now, I'll ...

Making the most of exploration

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

Glorious leader Fin has scanned our static wormhole but left it unvisited, in case we want to reap the profits of the anomalies once more accumulating in our home system. That sounds like a plan, count me in! I make a cursory check of the system myself, noting the disappearance ...

Stalked whilst stealing Sleeper sites

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

A quick scan of the home system reveals no new signatures cropping up since I went to get food. Snacking can be a lengthy affair, so it's best to check. Fin's here and one step ahead of me, in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, reporting all to be quiet. ...

Reminder of a tower operation

Monday, January 16th, 2012

I really ought to replace the Legion I lost recently. Without it, we are ill-prepared to assault any juicy ships that may come our way and it would be a shame to miss a kill because I'm too busy hunting to give thought to the availability of hardware. It would ...

Trapping a transport

Sunday, January 15th, 2012

Fin saw a Crane go out to low-sec and is looking to catch the transport ship on its way back to w-space. I turn up as my glorious leader boards an Onyx heavy interdictor to set up an ambush. That sounds like fun, I think I'll help. The Crane's going ...