So long, and thanks for all the loot!

Monday, March 26th, 2012

Okay, so I'm heading home for the night after an evening of exploration, but I'm not going to stop there immediately. There are two K162s connecting in to our home system and it would be irresponsible not to take a quick look through both of them to see if the ...

Scanning leads to a rat

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Fin's can-chasing again, but is willing to try shooting Sleepers. That sounds like a plan. I'll take a look around the home system first, though, to see if we have any potential visitors. Eight signatures are here with all the anomalies, giving us three signatures unaccounted for. Shooting Sleepers may ...

Plenty to watch, little to shoot

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

Gah, I'm crippled by skill-queue indecision again! I managed to find a skill that I use daily somehow only trained to level III to fill up my queue a few days ago, but now I have to fill it up once more. There are quite a few skills that I could ...

Looking for a Loki

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

There are still problems affecting Fin and my attempts to stay in space. Fin's more than mine now, which isn't any solace, as Fin's activities are limited to her continuing bid to locate a stray jet-can in our home system. That in turn limits me to solo activities, until the ...

Scanning a chain of class 2 w-space systems

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

I pause in the home system to activate a new ladar site, the stupid gas delaying today's exploration of w-space. We're keeping on top of our sites, though, ensuring scanning remains manageable. The anomalies are another matter, but I quite like having plenty of them around as honeytraps for passing ...

Covert Tengu versus covert Tengu, round two

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

I need to ditch yesterday's stolen loot. I suppose I could claim it wasn't stolen as such, as it all came from wrecks in our home system, but I don't think the fleet that actually shot the Sleepers, and lost a salvager, would see it that way. I didn't stop ...

Take the loot and run

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

All looks clear at home, but only for a minute. I cloak, check my skill queue, and take a second look at my directional scanner to see a Tengu strategic cruiser and Drake battlecruiser are nearby. Tweaking d-scan's settings also finds Sleeper wrecks, showing definite signs that these two ships ...

Scanning signatures and watching ships

Monday, March 19th, 2012

Ah, back to normal. I hope. I'll need to replace the Legion strategic cruiser I lost, in order to get back to where I was, but with any luck all should be tickety-boo as far as flying in space. And getting a new ship pretty much depends on the kindness ...

'Default' should be a viable configuration

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

It's time to bite the bullet. I'm hitting the reset button on all my settings, come hell or high water. Actually, I'm kind of expecting hell to come, as I am about to commit every element of the interface be back to its horrible default position and size. Thankfully, I ...

Ratting is tedious, however efficient

Friday, March 16th, 2012

A patch has been released, so I'm applying it to my ships and hoping for the best. I'm not convinced the patch will help, as it is to reduce instability when jumping through stargates, whereas my ship crashes have occurred arbitrarily in space, but I can hope. At least I ...