Finding a happy route through high-sec

Saturday, July 5th, 2014

We're back to one wormhole tonight, plus a pocket of gas I still don't care about. Suck it, gas. I resolve our static wormhole and jump through it to explore. Updating my directional scanner in the class 3 w-space system shows me two towers floating somewhere, but no ships to ...

Going forwards

Friday, July 4th, 2014

Back through dangerous w-space, to deadly w-space, and home. The deadliest w-space of all. Neat dramatic tension and everything, but nothing's actually happening. The wormholes connecting in to our home system are totally quiet, and I got bored scanning my way backwards through inactive systems. I've come home to go ...

Checking my behind

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

It's just me to start the evening. I think. No colleagues are on-line yet, but two new signatures in the home system could indicate the possibility of company. I should check them, so launch probes and scan. They are both wormholes, which, along with our static wormhole, offers me early ...

Showing some willing

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014

One site down, a dozen to go. I didn't even clear the site myself, new recruit Matha did, in a Drake battlecruiser, of all ships. That's commitment. We should probably work out some way to pay her. 'A shuttle a month', says Fin later, which seems reasonable enough. Rather than ...

Blink and you miss it

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

The class 3 w-space system has been subdued. The Venture mining frigate we nearly caught returns to the tower, the pilot stutters, and goes off-line. It's time to scan properly. There are four anomalies and twelve signatures, two of which we know about. One is our K162, the other the ...

Fly-by in a gas site

Monday, June 30th, 2014

A new day, a new signature. It's a new gas site, how mundane. I'll check next door for more interesting circumstances instead. Huh, the static wormhole is sitting in the same spot as yesterday, and here's me fiddling with scanning probes. Never mind, I've found it now, let's jump through ...

Barely fazing a Falcon

Sunday, June 29th, 2014

New signatures in the home system today are a touch of gas and a bit of data. Nothing to get excited about, and no other wormholes to go with our static connection. Maybe I can still get a good route to empire space, as I'd like to pimp my new ...

Ships passing by

Saturday, June 28th, 2014

My glorious leader is in class 2 w-space, judging by the trail of bookmarks she's left in her space-wake. Not that she's talking to me at the moment, probably focussed on some pilots she'd like to shoot. As such, when the K162 from C2a crackles with a jump as I ...

Two-day timer

Friday, June 27th, 2014

It's all quiet at home. Just me and some gas clouds. And loads of anomalies still. I should probably clear one or two more, to warm up, feel productive, keep the iskies flowing in. It's got to be more interactive and profitable than sucking some gas too. I resolve our ...

Bungling in to a battlecruiser

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

The Viator transport is swapped for a Myrmidon battlecruiser, a fairly sure sign that his planet-goo collecting is finished. The Imicus scanning frigate is swapped for a Nereus hauler, though, which makes me wonder if a new hauler will make itself vulnerable, for small values of vulnerable given the state ...