Enemy connection

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

It's quiet out there. Not too-quiet-I'm-about-to-get-horribly-killed quiet, but Fin's connection is still less stable than an Amarrian ship's capacitor. I'm flying mostly solo for now, so hopefully I don't get too reckless in losing strategic cruisers. And it's not so quiet at home as to deny extra exploration opportunities, there ...

Missing a miner by moments

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

I'm in the home system, in my covert Tengu, and full of bacon. I'm not sure the evening can get much better, but I'll scan anyway. There's nothing out of the ordinary here, almost as if yesterday hadn't happened, leaving me only the static wormhole to resolve. Exploring in to ...

Claiming the victory

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

I don't think I thought through my suicide run thoroughly enough. Oh sure, I was confident I had a good chance of evading the waiting fleet, I knew there was a connection to high-sec empire space available if I got in to trouble, and I specifically checked that our wallet ...

Taking the bait and taking a chance

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

My glorious leader has been scanning again. Thanks, Fin! She's nowhere to be found at the moment, though, so it's just me and space for a while. Even though I have a set of bookmarks for our w-space constellation ready for me I still launch probes and blanket the home ...

Putting the ship together

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

What's up, space? Nothing here, Penny, space would say. But space is an idiot, because the magnetometric sites in our home w-space system are strangely disappeared, which means that the expected balance of signatures to bookmarks is actually showing me some new signals. One of the signatures is replacement magnetometric ...

Catching a Crane

Saturday, March 31st, 2012

I have no idea where that battleship went. I popped his scouting colleague on a wormhole, whose pod then fled across this vast class 3 w-space system, but where they both ended up I don't know. I doubt they went to our home system, as there are no K162 wormholes ...

Taking point

Friday, March 30th, 2012

Right, I've got a long skill in my queue. No more pussy-footing around trying to find a useful skill that takes less than three weeks to train, as this time I've gone for the gusto. I won't have to worry about the next skill for a month. Even after that, ...

Dubious Drakes

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

A K162 coming in to our home system has provided my glorious leader and I some action already. We caught a Loki strategic cruiser in an anomaly in the class 2 w-space system, going to considerable effort to reduce it to a wreck, and then considerably less effort to reduce ...

Strategic cruising in class 2 w-space

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Fin's been, scanned, and gone. That'll save me some time! Or it should, if w-space weren't so bally changeable. I launch probes to scan the home system and find two signatures unaccounted for by the current collection of corporate bookmarks. That's still better than resolving the lot, though, and it ...

Hunting a hacking Heron

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

All looks quiet at home, but looks can be deceiving. Our tower has been busy whilst we were sleeping, getting hold of and popping a Raven battleship that was, um, maybe wandering by? I can't really say, although I'd like to know the story behind his fate at the hands ...