Taking a change of pace in null-sec space

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

I've been finding some other capsuleers to play with recently, which has been fun. Actually, I think I mean 'toy with', but, either way, I'd like to find some more. There's just the static wormhole in the home system today, and Fin hasn't arrived yet, so my decision processes collapse ...

Curiosity is a killer

Monday, June 4th, 2012

Curiosity is a killer. I have mapped the w-space constellation to be our static wormhole connecting to a system with two dying wormholes, where the only adventure to be found is that of getting isolated, which doesn't appeal to me that much. But in the process of collapsing our wormhole ...

Probes come and probes go, but waiting lasts forever

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

I'm on-line and looking for trouble, preferably other people's. Our static wormhole looks to be in the same position as yesterday's, and although I recently stated that confirming this still takes time I was, naturally, making it more difficult for myself. Thankfully I see the error of my ways, and ...

Getting lucky in finding wrecks

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Fin may be here in spirit, but not much looks to be happening. As I wait for my glorious leader to get back from the khazi I scan the home system, free from pesky mining sites for once, for our static wormhole and jump to the neighbouring class 3 w-space ...

Tower apocalypse

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Fed and ready to frolic, I'm tempted to take a stealth bomber roaming through the w-space constellation. It's already been scanned and there has been activity seen in at least one direction, but it has been a few hours since I was last around and new wormholes may have opened. ...

Dropping in on day trippers

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

They might be on to me. I've not ambushed a planet goo-collecting hauler in quite a while, which makes me think I've got to shake my routine up a bit in order to surprise them again. So I am in space earlier than usual in the hopes of catching a ...

Looking the wrong way

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Will anything happen today? Fin's here, for a start, and our shared bookmarks folder looks to hold the locations of K162s from both class 2 and class 5 w-space. I get a sitrep from my glorious leader, who is now in the C2. 'The C5 has a Mastodon putting up ...

Null-sec scanning and ratting

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

A bookmark to a supposedly inactive wormhole stares at me from our corporate locations folder. I wonder if it is still inactive, or has been opened and has since died of old age. I'll scan the home system anyway, as you can't assume that other wormholes haven't connected in to ...

Ship naming competition results!

Monday, May 28th, 2012

The competition to name my new Loki is over. I first want to say that you are all much better at thinking of ship names than I am. That doesn't make you all winners, though. Ha ha, no! In particular, if Rob ever starts playing EVE Online I will devote ...

Finishing on a positive

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

It doesn't look like we'll have any visitors today. We're once again down to having a single signature in the home w-space system, which will be the static wormhole. At least, I hope it will be the static wormhole, or I can't be a visitor to anyone else either. Naturally, ...