Catching a cruising cov-ops

Saturday, October 6th, 2012

I should probably get that replacement Falcon recon ship we need, but scanning calls to me. Our current constellation may seem superficially dull, with just a class 3 w-space system holding four connections to empire space, but those empire systems could hold their own connections to adventure. As much as ...

Crimewatch 2: ejection rejection

Friday, October 5th, 2012

A devblog detailing Crimewatch 2 has been released, and I applaud its intent in making clearer what actions cause which flags, and what each flag means. This is a necessary change. I don't entirely agree that there are players who possess an 'inability or refusal to understand the rules', in ...

Getting lucky in high-sec

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

'What's happening?' Fin sounds just like me, but I can't answer her question as I've only just turned up myself. Some bookmarks remain from earlier, which Fin made, and we should have a few hours left on our static connection and, hopefully, the other wormholes she found. Fin spent a ...

Killing the help that kills the connection

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

I arrive to see the tell-tale sign of an unopened wormhole. A single bookmark points to our static connection, and without its paired K162 also bookmarked I feel safe in clustering my scanning probes around the location, where I indeed resolve the wormhole in the same place. Fin comes on-line ...

Collapsing and coming home

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

No visitors, no colleagues, no bookmarks. There are five new signatures in the home w-space system, though, giving me three wormholes, a spot of gas, and a magnetometric site. And a Cheetah covert operations boat blips under my probes and on my directional scanner as I resolve the final signature. ...

Scrapping on a C2 K162

Monday, October 1st, 2012

What's this Orca doing in our home system? I've toyed with a Manticore stealth bomber from class 2 w-space connecting in to our system, as well as its pal in a Proteus strategic cruiser, but the industrial command ship is a rather unexpected sight on my directional scanner. I was ...

Back and forth with a stealth bomber

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

Nothing and no one in the home system seems awfully quiet. I think I'll go and poke the neighbours. Ah, but which ones? It seems it's not quite so quiet as I first believed, as the rocks have drifted apart and that second signature is no longer a gravimetric site ...

Scanning with a purpose

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

My glorious leader is collapsing our static wormhole as I come on-line, rubbing sleep from my eyes. 'The neighbouring system has a static connection to null-sec, and is full of towers and probes.' That sounds like a good reason to look for better opportunity through a different static wormhole, and ...

Looking for trouble

Friday, September 28th, 2012

I remember now. There's an N968 in this system. I just got a bit distracted by the gas harvesting operation through a K162 to class 5 w-space. But now that I have disrupted the operation, by podding the pilot hauling gas in his Badger, and fleeing from the fairly prompt ...

Bloom and the Badger

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

Gas has gone, new gas has come. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. My glorious leader is present and scanning, resolving a wormhole as I launch my own probes. As Fin warps to what turns out to be our static connection to class 3 w-space my probes converge ...