Simple noodle around w-space

Friday, July 25th, 2014

Just a quiet night noodling around will do for me, I think. I suppose it depends on what I'll find, but I won't force anything if circumstances don't look positive. It's also been a few days since I last left the home system, what with a fleet coming to us ...

Clear two, clear a third free

Thursday, July 24th, 2014

I look to be alone to start the evening. But, then, I did yesterday too, and there turned out to be a substantial fleet in the middle of our system. Launching probes and performing a blanket scan doesn't return any ships, but that doesn't mean there are no ships. Not ...

Stalking stealth bombers

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014

The Hound eludes me. The stealth bomber is far from the cluster of rather larger ships and their drones that are shooting the off-line tower in our home w-space system, for whatever reason, but I can't get myself close enough to catch him. Thankfully, other options have turned up. More ...

Trying to catch a Womble

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

Fresh in space, all looks clear. Our gas site has been swept away, and although a new signature has popped up I wouldn't be surprised it if were just replacement gas. I launch probes, perform a blanket scan, and, huh. There are a dozen or more ships along with clouds ...

Stale wormholes leads to Sleepers

Monday, July 21st, 2014

I'm following behind Mick's scouting again today, seeing what he's found. Ah, our static wormhole. Good man. Jumping through and updating my directional scanner sees nothing in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, and checking my notes has my last visit twenty months ago. Since then, two towers have been ...

Scuttling a Skiff

Sunday, July 20th, 2014

I'm heading home, through a really convenient wormhole from high-sec to low-sec, when I remember the other wormhole I scanned. It's in this low-sec system, and I haven't reconnoitred it yet because it's an outbound wormhole, not wanting to open it immediately if it wasn't already open. It's a long ...

Converting loot to ISK to fuel

Saturday, July 19th, 2014

My glorious leader comes on-line as I bring our Golem marauder home. I've pillaged and plundered my way through a handful of anomalies in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, making a decent amount of profit already. What do we do now? 'Do you want to roll the wormhole to ...

Nicking from the neighbours

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Fuel and ISK. ISK and fuel. The two are inter-related somehow, if only I could work out the connection. I need to perform more measurements, but perhaps not today, not when most of our anomalies have been stolen by brigands. I'd better launch probes and see what's out there in ...

Aiming for space

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

I'm going home, but I don't get there. Thankfully, it is not a fleet of dozen strategic cruisers and their heavy interdictor pal waiting on the other side of a wormhole that stops me, but just my directional scanner. Specifically, seeing two Venture mining frigates in a class 3 w-space ...

Sore Sabre

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

No, it's not good enough. I'm not going off-line yet, screw the two systems connecting to us whose occupants can't be arsed to collapse their waveforms to either be active or inactive and not some weird superposition of both. I'll scan at least the class 3 system through our static ...