Bumping in to bait

Monday, November 5th, 2012

The Noctis has warped clear from my assault, and has unsurprisingly exited the class 5 w-space system. The salvager was sweeping up wrecks in some gravimetric and ladar sites in the system, cleared by at least a couple more pilots, until I interrupted, and now a Buzzard looks to be ...

Gas site salvager

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

I'm fed and watered and back in w-space, in the hopes that other pilots are out and about. A quick check confirms a lack of new connections in the home system, so I point my cloaky Loki strategic cruiser towards our static wormhole for a roam through the w-space constellation ...

Early uncovering of the constellation

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

I'm out for early reconnaissance. Well, not early, really, but earlier than normal. It's still reconnaissance. But perhaps not until I've left the home system, so with all looking clear I resolve our static wormhole and jump to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system. My directional scanner shows me nothing ...

Finding a ship to shoot

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

I could do with finding another ship to shoot. Do you hear that, w-space? All looks clear in the home system, with a a few changes from a couple of days ago. Four sites have dissipated in to the aether and one new signature has cropped up to take their ...

Half-heartedly harassed

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

All alone, tonight may be another quiet night, if it weren't for the persistent notifications about a tower I don't care about in a system I don't know running out of fuel. I hope the force field goes down soon, so my in-box stops blinking at me, making me think ...

Slumming it in low-sec sites

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

Fin's here, but not much else. 'We have mostly nothing.' Even a K162 from class 4 w-space leading to a K162 from class 5 w-space doesn't look promising, and neither does our neighbouring class 3 system heading out to low-sec empire space. I would ask what the plan is, but ...

Banging with blues

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

'Are we dead yet?' Apparently not, as the K162 in the home system leads to neighbours that are blue to us, and so supposedly allies. But they have seen some Ducks about, which are rather more threatening in space than ponds, and have a scout or two wandering around seeing ...

Staying out of trouble with my scouting

Monday, October 29th, 2012

'C4a may be gone. It was EOL.' I didn't know we had a connection to class 4 w-space, but warping across the home system sees the K162 wormhole still there and still wobbling away at the end of its life. My glorious leader is through our static wormhole and scanning ...

Going home

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

I'm isolated from the home system, and still doing what I do best. I scanned from high-sec to w-space, found some ships shooting Sleepers, and ambushed their salvager. I didn't get any loot from the wreck, having to evade a battleship responding to the mayday a little too tardily, but ...

Playing away from home

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

I'm in high-sec empire space with no way home. I don't even bother warping to where the wormhole was when I exited, as it was reaching the end of its life when I left and that was a few hours ago. I know I'm stranded, I just need to make ...