Bring your own bubble

Sunday, December 16th, 2012

Just sitting outside a tower, watching some ships. I procrastinated too long over ambushing a gassing Rokh battleship, so missed that opportunity to explode embarrassingly, and am now hoping that the Harbinger battlecruiser or Bestower hauler will become active in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. I don't hold out ...

Between a Rokh and a hard vacuum

Saturday, December 15th, 2012

I'm out looking for activity, and hoping to find more than yesterday. I suppose that shouldn't be difficult, as a single moving ship will do the trick. A second signature in the home system isn't going to offer any help, being a mere ladar site, so I resolve the static ...

Ducks and dopes

Friday, December 14th, 2012

Fin's here, and my glorious leader has been scanning. I wonder what rich systems she's found for harvesting Sleeper loot, or if she's spotted any half-awake haulers pottering inside force fields waiting to collect planet goo. 'We got nothing.' Okay then. Our static connection takes us to an occupied ...

Sneaking up on a sneaky salvager

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

All's clear at home, with no ships or incoming wormholes to muss up the system. It's so very quiet, until I resolve our static wormhole and jump to the neighbouring class 3 s-space system. I don't find activity, but my glorious leader comes on-line. I almost ignore the Gila cruiser, ...

Missing gassers, getting fuel

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012

I return on-line some time after my sammich, but in the same w-space day. Nothing is happening in the home system, not even faux-blue pilots stealing our iskies, but I have the start of a constellation to roam, so jump to our neighbouring class 3 system. It's still unoccupied, still ...

Reddish blues

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

Yesterday's break turned in to a bubble bath and sleep, although not at the same time. I return to space refreshed, and with a new constellation to uncover, for early reconnaissance instead of a late roam. I don't get far to start with, not when finding a pair of Tengu ...

Early scouting

Monday, December 10th, 2012

What am I going to do today? A second signature resolving to be a second wormhole offers the potential for some mayhem, right up to the point where I drop out of warp in empty space. The wormhole dies before I even reach it, which puts paid to the promise ...

Predator and prey

Saturday, December 8th, 2012

Launch, cloak, blanket. Flying solo leads to familiar practices. No fleet. No back-up. Just static in the local comms. It would be enough to drive any pilot crazy, but the lack of other capsuleers is probably what keeps me in w-space. And no ships are picked up by my combat ...

Third time's not always a charm

Friday, December 7th, 2012

I only have a limited time this evening, so let's see how much trouble I can make, or get in to. There's only one wormhole in the home system, which gives me a clear choice of direction, and I jump to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. My directional scanner ...

Scanning back and forth

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

Signatures are accumulating as quickly as anomalies are depleting. And we're not clearing any of those anomalies, so the profit is going to other corporations. This isn't an ideal situation. Two new signatures accompany the static wormhole, and these two are wormholes too, both K162s from class 4 w-space. Damned ...