From blue to red

Monday, August 4th, 2014

I hope w-space is going to be more active tonight than it has been recently. A cursory glance at the home system as I come on-line suggests that, yep, shit's been going down. Select anomalies are missing from our system, damned thieves, and extra signatures almost certainly point to extra ...

Nothing and no one

Sunday, August 3rd, 2014

It's a new day in w-space. Technically, at least. In reality, there doesn't seem to be any change since yesterday, beyond the assumed churn of our static wormhole. No anomalous action with Sleepers to start the night, I simply scan the wormhole and, hah, the wormhole's even in the same ...

ISK and a Venture

Saturday, August 2nd, 2014

Let's see what's changed. Our anomalies are still here, a few new ones have turned up, and although our sites have gone they have been replaced by a similar number of signatures. Maybe the gas has just migrated, like sponges, but only one signature is a gas site. The others ...

Less coming back than going out

Friday, August 1st, 2014

I launch probes and perform a blanket scan of the home system. I'm watching out for the nefarious threat of a shady Helios, the covert operations boat entering our home yesterday and maybe not leaving. I dunno, I wasn't paying full attention and, filthy casual that I am, went off-line ...

Followed home

Thursday, July 31st, 2014

Back home from our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, dump the meagre loot from the successful Epithal ambush, and warp away to a safe spot to go off-line for the night. At least, that's my intention, until I spot a Helios bearing our neighbours' name on my directional scanner. Maybe ...

Brute force and strategy

Wednesday, July 30th, 2014

Decloaked outside an active tower, jammed, and being plinked by a gun. It's not a great situation to be in, particularly where there are two piloted ships inside the force field of the tower, but at least my warp engines aren't disrupted. Not yet, anyway. I have to get clear ...

Throwing myself at a tower

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

All looks clear at home. A casual inspection of the signature count compares to the bookmarks I have, but checking the gas sites sees that two have dissipated. That gives me two new signatures to identify before I can safely assume the system is clear. Thankfully, we live in class ...

Black hole to black hole

Monday, July 28th, 2014

Heading back home, I take a diversion in to null-sec. I ignore the K162 from null-sec in the first class 5 black hole system, because if someone opened it and came through then they would have done the same to any other wormholes. The outbound wormhole to null-sec in the ...

Dangerous black holes are messy

Sunday, July 27th, 2014

I fear the home system may have stagnated with time, but it seems w-space continues even without me. My ego doesn't like this revelation, so I choose to ignore it. The new signatures have clearly only just appeared, thus prompting their need to be scanned by me and only me, ...

Epithal escort

Saturday, July 26th, 2014

Heading home through a quiet w-space constellation, I can't resist poking out to low-sec. Our neighbouring class 3 w-space system holds a number of wormholes to other w-space systems, all occupied, none with any ships, but I've yet to exit w-space so far tonight. I'd be remiss if I didn't ...