Going for gassing in a black hole system

Monday, April 29th, 2013

Our neighbouring class 3 w-space system has an active scout, but still I scan overtly. I don't think it's a problem if I'm spotted. I can pretty much assume the scout knows I'm here anyway, what with him boarding the Imicus scanning frigate after I destroyed his Venture mining frigate ...

Looking for a ladar site

Sunday, April 28th, 2013

The wormhole's as dead as the Heron pilot. That is to say, a replacement has already been stirred. It seems that no matter how hard you try to kill them, wormholes and capsuleers just keep on respawning. Still, that's good, in both cases. Replacement wormholes give new constellations, and replacement ...

Leaping before I look

Saturday, April 27th, 2013

First item on the agenda tonight is to kill our static wormhole. I'm not even going to check the neighbouring class 3 w-space system, as it was unoccupied and empty earlier. And although new wormholes may have opened in to the system, potentially bringing capsuleers hauling loot or popping Sleepers, ...

Not dead

Friday, April 26th, 2013

[It would have been nice if my 1,500th post to be tagged with EVE Online detailed our excellent 3·4 B ISK Tengu kill. Or just wasn't being published in the middle of the tenth anniversary Fanfest, when no one will be paying attention to anything else. But it appears I didn't have ...

Tracking a pilot to high-sec

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

Out for more adventure, wondering what I'll find today. Gas, obviously, but I'm still surprised to see a new pocket before even leaving the home system. It's easily ignored, and I jump to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system to look for actual adventure. A tower with a shuttle and ...

Back to normal

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

We're not going to beat yesterday's Tengu kill any time soon, so let's get a disappointing evening's lack of adventure out of the way quickly, shall we? The home system looks clear tonight, or clear of ships, at least. Five new signatures have cropped up rather suddenly. Well, three, as ...

Blowing up billions

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

Yesterday's gas cloud has dispersed, so it's just me and the wormhole in the home w-space system. Oh, hmm, and that Tengu. The strategic cruiser appears when I first ping my directional scanner, curiously after I check to see if the gas is still around. But there he is, a ...

Flying as a passenger

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

Fin has scanned, Aii's on his way home. That's not all my glorious leader has been up to, though. Not only has she sneaked an Orca across our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, the industrial command ship full of useful minerals, but Fin also nearly caught a Mammoth hauler when ...

Hit and run

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

Many wormholes died to bring us this cleaner constellation. The K162 in to our home w-space system was killed, murdered, I suppose, but the others have no doubt passed away from natural causes by now. It's not wormhole life I'm looking for, but capsuleer life. Glorious leader Fin comes on-line ...

Leaving the back door open

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

Steal in to a system, pop a bleary-eyed planet-gooer, and come home for crumpets. Good plan, Penny! Let's make it happen. And it looks like this will be easier than I expected, as glorious leader Fin has scanned even earlier than I'm awake, leaving me a bookmark to our as-yet ...