Submarines in space

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

I'm out for a short poke around w-space, as there must be other active pilots occassionaly. The home system is clear, with just a new pocket of gas to ignore, so I jump through our static connection to class 3 w-space to start exploring. My directional scanner is clear from ...

Rats in Fountain

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

I'm hoping for more luck tonight, after yesterday's rotten exploration. Too many systems, not enough pilots, and a diversion through high-sec. It wasn't much fun. But maybe entertainment will come to me today, with two extra wormholes in the home system. The K162 from class 5 w-space that's at the ...

Two scans is too many

Monday, May 27th, 2013

Hop, hoppity, hop. High-sec stargates are easy. Twenty-three of them becomes a bit boring, though. Still, it gets me home, and with less effort and randomness than scanning for arbitrary wormholes. I would be home somewhat earlier were it not for the gimboid who collapsed their static connection that I ...

Going the long way home

Sunday, May 26th, 2013

I have the actual intention of scanning, exploring, and roaming this evening. Hopefully that's enough for me to find a target. The new signatures in the home system give me some rocks, gas, and a spare wormhole if our static connection should disappoint. It's a K162 from class 4 w-space, ...

Keeping the skill queue flowing

Saturday, May 25th, 2013

I'm only really here to update my skill queue. It's not full enough to make it through another day, so even though I was going to have a night off I'm sucked back in to w-space, however briefly. But I should be okay. I can quit any time I want. ...

Take a Drake, leave a Drake

Friday, May 24th, 2013

Two more wormholes are resolved. The static exit from this class 4 w-space system leads to class 1 w-space, which can't please whatever occupants are in the class 5 w-space system on the other side of the K162. Maybe I should tell them that there's now a route through C3a, ...

Following the ion trail of an Iteron

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Aii's here, but is Aii really here? No, he's back in empire space, still shuffling ships around. That gives me another reason to scan, to give him a new entrance, as well as looking to make new friends in w-space. The home system looks clear, and jumping to the neighbouring ...

Poking and being poked

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

Just the static wormhole to resolve in the home system gives me an easy start to the evening. And ships and a couple of towers visible on my directional scanner in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system gives me a little hope for finding activity so soon, until I see ...

Prodding a Purifier

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Bye bye, Drakey. I watched the battlecruiser warp away from the radar site in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, too nervous to engage it because of its buddy in the Loki strategic cruiser. That doesn't stop me following it home, though. What stops me is that the wormhole it ...

Someone's always watching

Monday, May 20th, 2013

The reds have gone, isolating their system from ours by collapsing the wormhole connection, and hopefully whatever they didn't find through our static wormhole has changed by now. I would say so. A cursory scan of the home system finds nothing changed, letting me warp directly to and jump through ...