Missing ships

Saturday, June 8th, 2013

There is more to be explored. The K162 from class 2 w-space has been killed, unlike the Scorpion battleship that was killing it, but that still leaves a K162 from class 5 w-space and our static wormhole. Or, rather, our static wormhole. Glorious leader Fin has already been in to ...

A cloaked ship is hard to find

Friday, June 7th, 2013

I'm settling in to my pod goo as glorious leader Fin fires a stream of information at me. Safeties are on, so I don't fire back until I know what I'm doing. There are wormholes, w-space systems, and currently no pilots. It doesn't stay that way for long. 'C2 flare, ...

Looking for Sleepers

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

We should make some more ISK. No reason. Our current neighbouring class 3 w-space system could be a suitable Sleeper hunting ground, for it being unoccupied and stuffed full of anomalies. There was a K162 coming in to it from high-sec empire space earlier, but that was reaching the end ...

Billion-ISK brain fart

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

Less time-restricted today, I'm going to find another pilot to stalk. Just the static wormhole in the home system sends me directly to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, where my directional scanner is clear and the system's J-number looks familiar. And maybe it should be, what with this being ...

Wandering monsters make space dangerous

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

Mabrick mumbled over some anti-piratical sentiments recently, refusing to participate in shooting non-combat ships, asking 'Where's the sport in that?' I regularly look for and destroy innocent industrialists, out to collect planet goo or scrape chunks of rock out of asteroids, and quite enjoy it. After reading his musings, I ...

Pleasure to miss you

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

I have limited time, but that won't stop me seeing what I can find to shoot. Scanning the home system and having a second wormhole appear in my results is a good start, as the K162 from class 5 w-space could be an indicator of activity. I jump through the ...

Uncovered by a cov-ops

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

Spies! In my channel! Kickity-kick, spies no more. I bet they are responsible for the new lack of anomalies in the home system, indirectly of course. But that's cool. We've just recently cleaned up the most profitable of the home anomalies, raking in the ISK from them quite deliberately before ...

Hauling ores

Saturday, June 1st, 2013

Out of curiosity, what is that other wormhole? I resolved two in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system and got diverted down the first, an outbound link to a tedious chain of class 5 systems. I have spent my evening scanning unoccupied or empty systems, being a tourist in a ...

Another look at the lava planet

Friday, May 31st, 2013

Glorious leader Fin has scanned the home system by the time I come on-line. There's nothing new to be found, and even the untouched static connection from yesterday is in the same place. We give the command to touch C247, and jump through to an occupied but inactive class 3 ...

Do the double collapse for ISK

Thursday, May 30th, 2013

How many wormholes do we have now? And how many ships are lurking beneath the cover of a cloaking device, watching, waiting for our guard to relax? I suppose it's not called paranoia for nothing, because I certainly seemed quite aware of most of what was happening earlier. Well, as ...