Quiet night at home

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

So tired, so sleepy. That's kinda normal though, and I'm probably only at about 80%, which is good enough for a roam through w-space. Splash some pod goo on my face, crack open a window, and I'm good to go. Or I would be, except for the complete lack of ...

Stopping scanning short for Sleepers

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

I come on-line to see glorious leader Fin, the poppet, and two new bounties placed on our corporation. The bounties are nothing to do with us, but our sister system found some ships, exploded them, and apparently got the tears flowing. I'm not quite sure how throwing ISK away to ...

Ship-spinning of w-space

Monday, June 17th, 2013

Reload, repair, restock. The brawl on the wormhole took a minor toll on my strategic cruiser, but ultimately nothing serious. My guns have heat damage but are still functional; my armour is unscratched, thanks to the ancillary shield boosters; and the shield boosters need more charges loaded. I have plenty ...

Scrapping over a Scorpion

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

That Orca isn't coming back to finish collapsing the wormhole. I can't think why. Surely it has nothing to do with the pilot having seen my cloaky Loki lurking nearby. Just because industrial command ships are natural prey of strategic cruisers doesn't mean anything. But he's not coming back. It's ...

Caught unawares

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

It's just me in space. No, that can't be right. Let me see if someone's through this wormhole the Sleepers kindly left behind. And, you know, I think there is. My directional scanner shows me a tower, an Orca, and some core scanning probes. I shall assume the industrial command ...

Null-sec hub

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Nom nom nom, 100 M ISK brains are good eating. Now back in w-space, a few hours after the pair of gooing hauler ambushes, what's new? A load of fuel bricks brought in from Amarr, that's what, thanks to my glorious leader taking advantage of that high-sec connection in the class 2 ...

Bringing back the brains

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

All I want is my sammich. Why must you tease me so? I warp away from the tower, after watching a Bestower appear, go off-line, a second appear and go off-line, only to get as far as the wormhole home when the hauler makes a reappearance on my directional scanner. ...

Expanding further

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

I come on-line for an exploratory poke around w-space to see my glorious leader and the poppet in the home system. I sense great mining is afoot. But nope, 'we have a C2, with a high-sec to Kador'. That's the only K162 in the home system, and the second static ...

Between a wreck and a planet

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

'Just scanned home and bookmarked the wormhole. I'm killing Sleepers in the gravimetric site.' So my glorious leader welcomes me on-line. 'And someone cleared all of our anomalies.' All of them? 'All of them.' Those pig-dogs, tidying up our system like that! I suppose we have little to do apart ...

Chasing cov-ops

Monday, June 10th, 2013

A pair of bookmarks bookending our static wormhole wait for me, but they are a day stale. What's new? Just the replacement wormhole, so scanning says. I could take this opportunity of a bit of quiet time to deal with correspondence, but there may be other pilots to shoot nearby. ...