How to perform a blanket scan of w-space: Odyssey edition

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

Scanning changed in EVE Online: Odyssey, and not just the mechanics of moving probes around. The discovery scanner now shows every capsuleer entering a system every anomaly and signature whether they want to see them or not, as well as around which celestial object the signature can be found. I ...

Stalking a Stabber

Friday, June 28th, 2013

'Fleet me.' This had better not be a trap. Of course, it's my glorious leader asking for the fleet, but maybe she's been turned and is giving me up to a group of disgruntled planet-gooing industrialists in battle Badgers. Not that living in w-space has heightened my paranoia at all, ...

From a near-catch to nearly caught

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Aii's somewhere. I can sense his presence. I can also see the bookmarks leading from home, through the neighbouring class 3 w-space system, and out to low-sec. And that's it, apparently. 'Nothing interesting', says Aii. Shall we kill the wormhole? 'Okay.' So Aii comes home and we throw some massive ...

Down a mostly empty chain

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

The locals have been pacified by my offering of autocannon rounds. It is safe to find passage through their system. I already know there are no anomalies, as the only one that was here is now gone, after my successfully ambushing their salvager in it, and so a blanket scan ...

We meet again, Mr Newfahg

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

There's nothing interesting in the home system. Well, except for our tower. And a new anomaly, perhaps. And me. Otherwise, nothing. Next door, though, in the class 3 w-space system through our static wormhole, I see a Nighthawk command ship, Noctis salvager, and Sleeper wrecks. Now that's interesting. A tower ...

Getting a varied New Eden experience

Monday, June 24th, 2013

I have limited time this evening. Open every wormhole! An extra signature at home gives me no such luck as an easy route to activity, as it is just a new pocket of gas. That should please Aii, though, although maybe not as much as the Navy Megathron kill we ...

Arriving at the right time

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

It's kinda late by now, but I think I can afford to poke my prow through our static wormhole, just in case a soft target happens to present itself. And although a Navy Megathron and Navy Dominix are hardly soft, that they actually appear to be doing something catches my ...

When high-sec is more interesting than w-space

Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

Empty system, empty Penny. Launching scanning probes to search for civilisation finds a K162 from class 2 w-space, which is a fair start, particularly seeing that if our home system is one of C2a's static wormholes then the other will lead to high-sec. Jumping through the K162 doesn't look immediately ...

Collapsing for a better system

Friday, June 21st, 2013

A quick sweep of the home system reveals a new anomaly we can plunder for ISK, but no new signatures. Moving on to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system has nothing visible on d-scan from the wormhole, but I expect that in a system almost 200 AU across. C3a is also ...

Ignoring a whole system

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

If that wormhole hasn't died yet, I'm just going to shoot it until it does. That'll work, either in killing it or working out my frustration. Thankfully, and somewhat obviously, being well over half-a-day after the wormhole was seen in its dying stages, the old static connection is gone. Long ...