Shooting a whale in a rock field

Friday, July 19th, 2013

How sweet. Aii's left me a bookmark to our static wormhole, as well as sucking up most of the gas pockets in the system. One signature has popped up since his activity, though. What could it be? A second wormhole you say? Well, space, you're drunk, as warping to the ...

Not much of anything

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

I'm hoping to be lucky tonight. Some poor timing had my ship just crossing paths with a couple of potential targets yesterday, so perhaps I can be more decisive tonight. 'Perhaps', right. With that kind of decisiveness I think I know how the evening's going to pan out. The home ...

Missing by miles and minutes

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

Home is looking bare. Visitors stole our sites, our own industrialists have harvested the resources. That's according to my dwindling bookmarks, though, as my probes show that the Sleepers and resources are already returning. Everything looks normal. All I need now is a hauler floating idle inside a tower in ...

Almost flying in to a fleet

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

Where did all the anomalies go? I'm sure we had more than this yesterday. Damned blues, passing through and stealing our loot when we're out. There's not even a wormhole to trace their route backwards, leaving me with just our neighbouring class 3 w-space system to visit. And, of course, ...

No surprises

Monday, July 15th, 2013

I can't see what the C2 pilots are up to any more, so I've taken a bit of a gamble. Their class 2 w-space system connects directly to the same class 3 system our static wormhole leads us to, and I've been watching them swap ships back and forth for ...

Preparing for an ambush

Sunday, July 14th, 2013

I'm back in w-space for more abuse. I won't find any in the new pocket of gas at home, except for self-abuse, so I resolve our static wormhole and jump through to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system. Core probes appear on my directional scanner in C3a, but that's it. ...

Bait is occasionally eaten

Saturday, July 13th, 2013

Okay. No wasting time watching inactive, idling industrialists in haulers tonight. Well, not too much, at least. But maybe I won't even find one in the first place, and I certainly won't if I don't leave the home system. Let's see what's out there. Three new signatures at home to ...

Looking for unescorted haulers

Friday, July 12th, 2013

The fleet I was playing with has gone, and they've left me with a dirty wormhole. Are you just going to leave it like this, class 5 w-space pilots? Ah, no. The wormhole flares and a battleship makes a round trip, destabilising the connection to critical levels. That's reassuring, but ...

Making logistics exciting

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Fin's back home after a busman's holiday in empire space, and as a gift someone kindly flew a Noctis in to the home system for her to shoot. So she does. That salvager, and whatever fleet went before it, was here hours ago though, so I turn my attention to ...

Elroy Skimms and Van Ketris can skip this post

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Ah, movement. I missed the hauler warping around collecting planet goo, and now maybe I can miss catching the Abaddon doing whatever it's gone to do. The battleship's pretty easy to trace, particularly once his drones appear on my directional scanner, as that almost certainly places him in an ...