Warping in to rocks

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

What could be in store for me tonight? New signatures in the home system, how exciting! A second wormhole that's a K162 from class 2 w-space is joined by gas and a third wormhole, a K162 from class 4 w-space. I'll explore C2a first, as it's only polite. But jumping ...

Making easy iskies from explosions

Monday, July 29th, 2013

There's a Retriever visible in the home system. Kill, kill! Oh, the mining barge's name looks familiar, and Aii's on-line. My Sherlockian skills lead me to deduce it is my colleague mining, and not an intruder. That, and Aii greeting me and asking for another few minutes to chomp on ...

From ambushed to ambush

Saturday, July 27th, 2013

Aii's home and scanning, and we have new signatures today with at least one other wormhole. As Aii finishes up, I hop past him through a K162 to a class 3 w-space system, hoping to find activity but instead appearing seven kilometres from the wormhole in what looks like an ...

Rattling a 'snake

Friday, July 26th, 2013

Penny, bane of planet-gooers, is coming for your hauler. Resolving our static wormhole and jumping through finds a rather better target visible, though. My directional scanner is showing me a Rattlesnake faction battleship and drones, with no sign of a tower in range. I don't see any wrecks, which isn't ...

Scanning forwards alerts the locals

Thursday, July 25th, 2013

I'm back from a break, and expecting at least one new wormhole to have opened. Not at home, though, and not even in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, but definitely connected to our constellation. Well, the extended constellation, as I'll need to bridge through a high-sec empire space system ...

Catching up with a customs collection

Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

I've not been out early in a while. Maybe industrialists are sneaking around, hoping to avoid attention. Let's see. Or I would, if our static wormhole lived long enough for me to warp to it. But I suppose having it die now is better than having to wait longer for ...

Analysing hacking

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

Look at all of these pilots! Recruitment must be going well, thanks to George. And some rocks have floated in to the system to join the party. 'Yeah, sitting here staring at them', says my glorious leader. Shouldn't you be shooting them, or whatever it is that's done with rocks? ...

Bypassing deadly space only works for so long

Monday, July 22nd, 2013

Do we have anything at home today? A few anomalies, just the static wormhole as a connection to another system. It's all looking a bit bleak. Maybe it's better next door, in our neighbouring system, so I resolve the wormhole and jump through to find out. And actually it looks ...

Tripping over transports

Sunday, July 21st, 2013

The system's completely bare! I don't know what's happened, maybe a glitch in the matrix, but there's almost nothing to see in our little corner of w-space. At least the static wormhole remains, which hopefully will lead to somewhere more populated. Jumping to the neighbouring class 3 system sees occupation, ...

Halting a hurtling Helios

Saturday, July 20th, 2013

The miners have left this w-space system in their pods, and we've tidied up their wrecks for them. We drag the ore and recovered modules through the wormhole to our tower, at which point Aii returns to sucking on some home-system gas and I take my Loki strategic cruiser back ...