Sneaking a whale through a system

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

I come on-line to see no apparent repercussions from yesterday's late-night entertainment. I'm not really surprised, when the fleet couldn't stay motivated to properly poke one of our customs offices. Even though I have a notification that one of our tower's defences has been tested, all is intact. I feel ...

What we have here is a failure to think straight

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

I come home from another extended w-space constellation to three Raven Navy Issue battleships, a Basilisk logistics ship, and Noctis salvager visible on my directional scanner. And, of course, all the Sleeper wrecks that are made by such a fleet. Here's me scanning wormholes and exploring dozens of systems over ...

Not quite so many wormholes

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

I'm looking for some middle ground today, wormholes and activity, and not just an expansive constellation that takes so long to scan that I end up doing nothing else. Not that there was much else to do yesterday but scan, I suppose, but it's not like I was able to ...

Too many wormholes

Monday, October 7th, 2013

Last night was a bust. I hope there's more happening today. Or, at least, there are more wormholes to find. There was a dearth of connections yesterday, ending exploration rather abruptly. I start as always in the home system, where the last gas clouds have floated away, but there are ...

Rejected by w-space

Sunday, October 6th, 2013

Aii's here, but is Aii really here? I have no idea, as he's not responding to me. That makes him similar to almost every capsuleer in and out of New Eden, so I won't hold it against him, and merely assume that's he's distracted. It happens. I also think it's ...

Sneaking up on a scout

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

New signatures in the home system just give me gas, which is a little disappointing. Heading to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system offers little better, with a tower visible on my directional scanner but no ships. Opening the system map has my considering launching probes on the wormhole, given ...

Leaving for home

Friday, October 4th, 2013

My way home is gone. Well, part of it. Not the important part, I suppose, which would be the wormhole actually leading to the home system, or one directly connecting our constellation. I've merely been isolated from the k-space exit. That this exit is in null-sec doesn't really help, as ...

Slow, slow, fast

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Some gas has drifted away, some new clouds have appeared. That's all the excitement in the home w-space system accounted for, is it any better next door? Not obviously, with my directional scanner clear from the K162 in the neighbouring class 3 system, although the black hole sits imposingly in ...

Waiting for a shot at a hauler

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Another new signature has popped up in the home system during sammich time. Resolving and warping to the signature shows it to be a K162 from class 2 w-space, giving me a different direction to go, and maybe some fresh activity to find. But maybe not immediately, not with a ...

Space takes an afternoon nap

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Nothing is new in the home system, beyond our static wormhole having been refreshed. I warp across to take a look and it looks good. Wormholey. But a wormhole has two ends, and I would be remiss if I didn't check that the other side is also in working order. ...