Less of an odyssey

Sunday, October 20th, 2013

Moving a literally unexaggerated thousand bookmarks of wormholes from my active folders to the 'old' folder, I undo in seconds all the effort of yesterday to start today's exploration. It's nice and easy in the home system again, with a known site to ignore and the replacement static connection to ...

Scanning for wormholes leads to wormholes

Saturday, October 19th, 2013

I doubt I'll see any action tonight without a ship throwing itself in front of me. But I won't even see that if I don't go looking for it, so off I go. I resolve our static wormhole and jump to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system to see two ...

Fake-forming up with a fleet

Friday, October 18th, 2013

All looks quiet in w-space. So very quiet. I think I need some company. I won't find it in the persisting gas clouds in the home system, so I'd best resolve the other signature and open our static wormhole to the neighbours. Or a lack of neighbours, perhaps. It depends ...

Waiting for a Viator

Thursday, October 17th, 2013

My loot from the low-sec data sites isn't great, but it isn't terrible. I've merrily passed some time though, which is the main point of the exercise, I suppose. Now it's back to dock, revert my Loki strategic cruiser's fitting, and a return to w-space. I hop back one low-sec ...

Stopping short for data sites

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

Taking a look at what's in w-space today resolves just gas and the static wormhole in our home system. That's good, as no one has come our way, but bad because the dick of a discovery scanner is probably alerting whatever neighbours we may have of my imminent arrival. But ...

New and dying wormholes

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

I'm back for another look around. What's still here, what's imploded, and what's new? I imagine there will be some changes, as that was an intricate sammich I made and it has kept me away from my controls for few hours. And, indeed, the first change is in the home ...

Opening wormholes considered harmful

Monday, October 14th, 2013

An early poke around w-space looking for bleary-eyed pilots has the predictable start of my jumping to our neighbouring class 3 system to find nothing of interest. There's a tower, of course, but no ships are to be seen. Three planets initially out of range of my directional scanner hold ...

Hacking a Cheetah

Sunday, October 13th, 2013

I'm back, with options. The neighbouring occupants could have woken up, a new wormhole could have opened in the constellation, or, most likely, the static exit to high-sec has died and been replaced. Not a bad start is seeing that the K162 from class 4 w-space connecting to our home ...

Nothing but a nomad

Saturday, October 12th, 2013

Signatures, anomalies, no ships. Our home system looks just like any other w-space system from outside our tower. I resolve the new signatures whilst floating cloaked in a safe spot far from the safety of the force field, wanting to give as little information away as possible should anyone be ...

Down the chain

Friday, October 11th, 2013

Hello, all of our anomalies are gone. I suppose activating them was the petulant last act of the fleet who wilfully chose to ignore all the information—I hesitate to call it 'intelligence'—available to them and let me pod their Noctis carrying all of their loot. Well, the last laugh is ...