Wormhole space morality

Saturday, November 30th, 2013

I recently received an EVE-mail asking for my opinion on how a capsuleer handled an encounter with another w-space system's occupants. He and his corporation popped a salvager in their home system, and subsequently avoided a fleet considerably bigger than they could muster at the time that was brought in ...

Not getting null-sec artefacts

Friday, November 29th, 2013

My Legion needs repairing. Well, a little. In the ambush on the pair of Tengu strategic cruisers, my own strategic cruiser took a little light scratching here and there, and it would be irresponsible to stow it back in the hangar in such condition. That minor damage could be all ...

Blood for the new blood

Thursday, November 28th, 2013

Phew, sites are building up again in the home system. We have a good bunch of anomalies we really ought to claim for ourselves sooner rather than later, and a handful of signatures could be interesting. I launch scanning probes to find out, and resolve a new pocket of gas ...

Distracted by low-sec relic sites

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

What's out there today? Cosmic anomalies and signatures in the home system are soon reduced to gas, relics, and a single wormhole, which will be our static connection and my only current opportunity to explore further afield. I'll be going to class 3 w-space, where my directional scanner almost-inevitably shows ...

I brake for H900s

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

I'll have another go at not dying tonight. It didn't seem so difficult yesterday, against the odds, so I am optimistic about keeping my ship intact. And tonight I don't so much start by scanning the home system as scan the corporate bookmarks, which tells me that a colleague unluckier ...

Just another day in w-space

Monday, November 25th, 2013

I am back for more. More what? Sleeper slaughter, perhaps. My glorious leader is on-line, sucking gas out of our system, and that's about it. She's kept our static wormhole closed, but the half-mass K162 from class 4 w-space still appears to be here and looks to be as healthy ...

Black Hole Sleepers

Sunday, November 24th, 2013

An early start has me hopeful of catching a careless pilot off-guard and producing explosions. With any luck, that careless pilot won't even be me. The bookmarks I can see look stale, so that one extra signature in the home system may not be a wormhole. But it is, a ...

Not even an Epithal

Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

New sites and new signatures are in the home system. The signatures are more pockets of gas, apparently already resolved and bookmarked, and another will be our static wormhole. But that leaves another unaccounted for, so what is it? No, not a white hole, but a K162 from class 5 ...

Stealthy bombers

Friday, November 22nd, 2013

Why did we recruit another pilot? It seemed like a good idea at the time, adding to our numbers, making us more capable, but now I've got to find him an entrance and then show him the ropes. Then again, I think he'll be kept occupied if I just show ...

Null-sec connections

Thursday, November 21st, 2013

A new signature in the home system resolves to be merely a pocket of gas, maintaining our string of days without an incoming wormhole. But as we cleared all of our combat anomalies yesterday we have little reason to stay at home, and certainly not to suck on gas, which ...