Testing the defences

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

I'll see if I can find more than an errant Loki tonight. Even if I could simply keep track of which wormhole is which would be an improvement over losing the strategic cruiser down the wrong one yesterday. At home it's just me, a few anomalies, and a sole signature ...

Isolation and return

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

Our industrialists are on-line. What's happening? 'Nada. C3 was dead. Low-sec had pirates camping a gate.' My glorious leader Fin indicates that our current options are pretty limited. Shall we collapse our wormhole and clear some anomalies for fun and profit? 'Sounds like a plan.' Let's do it. My glorious ...

At last the Drake

Monday, December 9th, 2013

It's time for bed. Great story, Penny. See you all tomorrow. But wait: returning through low-sec and in to class 3 w-space has the Drake battlecruiser visible on my directional scanner. I see two towers too, but those two towers are the two towers in the inner system. The Drake ...

Biting hard in to the bait

Sunday, December 8th, 2013

Out to low-sec, launch probes, and scan. That Drake battlecruiser in the second class 3 w-space system in our constellation is doing nothing, and as I don't want to join him in that endeavour I'm reverting to Plan B. There are two extra signatures in this low-sec system, which I ...

Missing the action

Saturday, December 7th, 2013

'I am hauling.' So says my glorious leader as I come on-line, immediately indicating that our wormhole is open and the constellation scanned, at least to some extent. But the wormholes are ageing, Fin 'being cavalier about the exit, as I know we can get another'. The static exit to ...

Finding the source of a fleet

Friday, December 6th, 2013

Fin's on-line as I come on-line. My glorious leader has been here a while, though, as she's already scouted the constellation. I get a sitrep, involving various w-space connections, a few to empire space, and hearing that a bunch of strategic cruisers were spotted at one point—more than we could ...

Three go out, only one can return

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

I turn around from the K346 to warp back to the tower. The fleet has returned through the null-sec wormhole to their home class 3 w-space system, and we didn't manage to catch any of the three ships. It didn't help that they had the sense to get a scout ...

Waiting for a return

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013

I come on-line to a party. Fin's words, not my choice, as huffing gas or burning rocks is not my bag. But our system is closed, we have pilots, let's make some ISK. 'That sounds smart', says Fin. Damn, I think that means she's got the looks. That doesn't matter, ...

Getting old reactions

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013

I leave one class 2 w-space system for a second, crossing high-sec space to get to the other K162. Except, oh, it's not a K162 but an R943 outbound connection. That's disappointing, as the idiotic discovery scanner will have blinked the signature of this wormhole to any active pilots inside ...

Finding bored pilots

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

No more relic sites for me for a while. I would say I've had my fill of them in the past few days. If I must do one, it will be because I've scanned a stupidly expensive blueprint in one of the containers. Then again, knowing me, if I have ...