Chasing my tail

Saturday, December 21st, 2013

There are some bookmarks for a simple constellation waiting for me as I come on-line, but how fresh are they? Warping to empty space where a wormhole should be says 'not very fresh, Penny', so I have some scanning to do. I start by scanning our current static wormhole, hoping ...

Loki locking up

Friday, December 20th, 2013

Isolated from the home system. Watching Dominix battleships alternate between crashing wormholes and cloaking. Seeing the promising Noctis salvager switch to a Helios covert operations boat. Yep, I'm heading out of here, through the low-sec exit, to make my way back home via the new entrance a colleague has scanned. ...

Home is where we're not

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

'A couple of Dominices are poking around C3a.' A pair of battleships in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system is interesting enough to get me alert. Maybe a Widow black ops ship and one of our Legion strategic cruisers will be effective against them? HR agrees and swaps in to ...

Looking the wrong way

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

HR has scanned. What has he found? Not much, apparently. 'It's pretty quiet.' I head out to take a look for myself, jumping to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system that simply terminates through a high-sec wormhole. There's a tower at the edge of the system but it lies empty ...

Sleepers seeing off strangers

Tuesday, December 17th, 2013

I'm heading home, ready to call it a night, but happy to help crash our static wormhole to let Aii chomp on some rocks in relative safety. Hold on, though. The dumbscovery scanner is showing me a new signature in the home system. New sites don't appear with as much ...

Raking in the relics

Monday, December 16th, 2013

It's time to strike out solo, my decision in no way influenced by being alone in the home system with only a static wormhole to keep me company, nopers. Jumping to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system doesn't give me much to look at, my directional scanner giving a clear ...

Hiding capabilities

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

'Some minor industrial infractions going on', so says my glorious leader when I come on-line. Aii is around along with Fin, and I can only guess that they're oreing it up. 'Just a bit.' So it's more like some miner industrial activity? Ha ha ha! Thankfully, the evening can only ...

Getting away from the thugs of high-sec

Saturday, December 14th, 2013

Nothing's happening. Well, nothing to involve me, as far as I can tell. Fin and Aii are on-line but there are no bookmarks currently made, so no exploration has been done so far. That smells like rock chomping or gas huffing to me. Then again, I've been wrong before. 'It ...

Becoming part of the problem

Friday, December 13th, 2013

Me, myself, and I in the home system. That's just one person, though, but there's an extra signature keeping me company. Scanning to find out what the signature is resolves a wormhole, the K162 from class 2 w-space being potentially exciting. I resolve our static connection to class 3 w-space ...

Settling for Sleepers

Thursday, December 12th, 2013

I'm back from a short break. Is anyone around? Maybe the locals from class 5 w-space that connects to our neighbouring class 3 system. I missed catching their Tengu strategic cruiser scout earlier, as well as the same pilot in a Drake battlecruiser, paired with a second, when they were ...