Mourning the mystery of w-space

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

There may be no one home, but one new signature is here to keep me company. Hello, new signature, would you like to do something? Oh, you're a pocket of gas. You know, I just remembered I need to be somewhere else. Our neighbouring class 3 system, in fact. I'll ...

Bagging a barge

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

I've been away for a few days, returning to w-space with a sense of expectation about potential changes. What's up, space? Gas sites are in the home system and our neighbouring class 3 system has been poked but not scanned by HR, who is on-line. It's not much different from ...

Aiming for an Imicus

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

I don't disappear immediately, but instead loiter on the K162 from class 4 w-space for a while. The residents may be collapsing their connection to this class 3 system I returned to, but it's entirely possible that they didn't know I was stalking them, and I'd rather make sure that ...

Making an exit

Monday, December 30th, 2013

Our good anomalies have been swept away again. Oh well, if we couldn't get organised it's no big loss, particularly as we still aren't in a position to clear them ourselves tonight. They'll come back, just as the gas comes back. We have two new pockets floated in to the ...

Impotent against Imicuses

Saturday, December 28th, 2013

Scan, explore, see what trouble I can find. Sure, I'll probably just run away from it like a scaredy-cat, but that's part of the appeal. Nothing jumps out at me in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, being empty of occupation and free from activity. That's kind of welcome, once ...

Looking for a Drake

Friday, December 27th, 2013

Hello, there are people on-line. What could they possibly want? To come home, it seems. My glorious leader is trapped in high-sec—'thankfully not through death and vat rebirth'—and would like to get home again. 'I could use an entrance.' I'm on it, boss. The start is easy too, with just ...

New whale

Thursday, December 26th, 2013

I'm aiming for little more than a poke around for now, just testing the waters of, um, space. I think that's a metaphor. Lots of anomalies wait to be exploited in the home system, but they'll have to wait a bit longer, and two unknown signatures give me a pocket ...

Discovery scanner musings

Tuesday, December 24th, 2013

The home system looks about the same as yesterday, right down to having just me inside it. Not for long, though. I can be an agent of change! Okay, so the change involves taking me out of the home system and not making home itself a hotbed of activity, but ...

Nothing in null-sec

Monday, December 23rd, 2013

It's just me on-line at the moment. What can I do? I can start by scanning the home w-space system. Oh yeah, getting the party started. There's just gas and the static wormhole, and I jump to our neighbouring class 3 system to look for a dance partner. Nothing to ...

Falling to a fleet

Sunday, December 22nd, 2013

I'm about to warp to a low-sec exit from w-space when a Legion stops me. Not directly, but the strategic cruiser appears on my directional scanner when I am expecting to see nothing. The Legion is on d-scan again when I next update, and continues to be for the next ...