Crashing and Sleepering

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

Back down to one wormhole at home. That should help us decide what to do with our evening a bit more easily. And, obviously, I should check the state of our tower, because I don't do it often enough and occasionally I worry that I'll come on-line to nothing. I ...

Finally fighting

Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

Maybe the opportunity for a scrap isn't quite over. Two of the small fleet the occupants of a class 2 w-space system placed on the wormhole connecting our two systems have warped clear, but one stays. The Cyclone battlecruiser remains on the wormhole for now, and I see on my ...

Delaying the decision

Monday, January 20th, 2014

People are in the home system, and they seem to be expecting me. This can't be good. Oh sure, they are my glorious leader and Aii, but what could they want of me? I ask what's up, and, more importantly, what the new signature is. 'The static wormhole.' Mmm. But ...

Bumping in to a Bestower

Sunday, January 19th, 2014

High-sec here I come! The activity in the class 2 w-space system I was just meant to be passing through has been suppressed, giving me a new corpse to carry, and so I can get on with scanning for more wormholes through the static exit to Essence. Seeing three extra ...

Probing with a Probe

Saturday, January 18th, 2014

Across to C2a and out to empire space to scan. The class 3 w-space system connecting to our home system is a veritable hub of w-space this evening, but the number of options available is a little crippling. Rather than potentially fan out even further, opening even more connections for ...

Wormholes, wormholes everywhere

Friday, January 17th, 2014

'Closer to me, by a jump.' Sounds to me like our glorious leader is trying to get Aii home. With any luck, Aii took himself to empire space voluntarily, and he sounds chipper enough, so I focus on what circumstances are in w-space currently. And it seems to be quite ...

Hacking open a hacking Heron

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

The second wormhole in low-sec is a K162 from class 3 w-space, one not obviously being collapsed by an Orca. More's the pity. Jumping back to w-space has circumstances return to normal, with a tower and no ships visible on my direction scanner. Normal circumstances mean normal operating procedures. I ...

Crashing a wormhole crashing

Wednesday, January 15th, 2014

A short break has my returning to a home w-space system with a distinct shortage of anomalies. I know we were clearing them recently, and made a dent that kept our wallet nice and healthy, but I thought we had a few more in reserve than are now in the ...

More of the same Sleeper combat

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

No bookmarks beyond the home system, five gas sites, and a glorious leader on-line. Gassing? 'I'm doing no such thing. No such anything.' Well, in that case, it looks like we're nicely isolated again, and still have a bunch of decent anomalies to plough through. Maybe we should make hay ...

Golem, Tengu, Sleepers

Monday, January 13th, 2014

Is anything happening? I tend to ask that whenever I come on-line, whether someone else is around or not. The only difference is who answers. Today it is not me, but my glorious leader. 'Not yet. Scanned, not opened the wormhole.' And is it only the static wormhole in our ...