Hit the space warping

Saturday, February 1st, 2014

No one's around, but I have signatures aplenty in the home system. Launching probes and blanketing the system to see what they could be finds out that my initial statement is a bit misleading. No colleagues are around, but I do have company. Three ships are in our system. Once ...

Messing with a Magnate

Friday, January 31st, 2014

How's the home system looking tonight? Pretty normal. No ghost sites, a bit of gas, the static wormhole. That's about it. I resolve the wormhole, jump through to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system, and update my directional scanner. A tower and no ships. This evening is just stuffed full ...

Seeing Sansha in w-space

Thursday, January 30th, 2014

It looks like it's just me and our static wormhole again. Except, what's this? A Sansha anomaly? In w-space? Holy crap, we have a ghost site in our home system! I'm going in. ...after refitting my Loki with explosive shield hardeners. It would be a little embarrassing to lose a ...

Buzzing a Buzzard

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

If I can't kill a mining barge, I'll vent my frustration by killing our wormhole. I take an Orca through to the class 3 w-space system and back home, the industrial command ship no doubt making a good dent in the wormhole's mass allowance. Next I take out a Widow ...

Startled by a signature

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

I hope I have better luck at staying in space tonight. And with the stability of wormholes. I get to test the latter immediately, as scanning our home system sees only the static connection has changed, and I warp to the wormhole to see it in rude health. Already I'm ...

Can't crash, won't crash

Monday, January 27th, 2014

It's still just me in the home w-space system. I'll have to make my own entertainment. My plan to resolve our static wormhole and jump to the neighbouring class 3 system goes awry, though. Making it part step one of the plan is pretty good for us, but I drop ...

Only going out so far

Sunday, January 26th, 2014

An early roam has just the static wormhole at home. Jumping next door doesn't see much more, with my directional scanner clear from the K162 in class 3 w-space. My notes from eleven months ago indicate a tower could be somewhere, and that I'll be looking for an exit to ...

Taking a guilt-trip to low-sec

Saturday, January 25th, 2014

Leaving our static wormhole behind, I see a pretty standard tower lacking ships on my directional scanner in the neighbouring class 3 system. Warping in what I hope is the opposite direction in order to launch probes flings me in to a second tower, but as this one is also ...

Bagging a Buzzard

Friday, January 24th, 2014

Our home system has had a soft reset. All known signatures have gone, replaced with two new ones plus our static wormhole. A bit of gas is only to be expected, and although a second wormhole could be welcome the dying K162 from class 3 w-space is not. I head ...

Backwards to null-sec relics

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

Just the one signature to check in the home system, and it's not the static wormhole. My glorious leader scanned and resolved the replacement wormhole last night, after we collapsed the first, and that bookmark still seems valid. This other signature is also a wormhole, as it turns out, a ...