No loot for me

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

A new signature in the home system isn't much to get excited about, but performing a blanket scan and also seeing a ship is, particularly when it looks like I should be alone. Warping to get within directional scanner range of the ship has core probes visible but no ship. ...

Aiming for an Armageddon

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

Jumping to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system isn't anywhere near as interesting as finding the dash system connecting behind us. One tower, no ships, one salvage drone, no wrecks. It isn't inspiring, but you can't judge a system by its d-scan result. I warp out to launch probes, but ...

Return to the dash system

Monday, February 10th, 2014

One new signature at home today is a second wormhole, how exciting! And for a signature with the three-letter identifier ISO it is quite apt that the K162 connects our class 4 w-space home with more class 4 w-space. Jumping through sees—hey, it is exciting! No mere hyperbole in pursuit ...

Watching the ships go by

Saturday, February 8th, 2014

The pod lingers in the system. He hasn't gone to the exit to low-sec, so probably not a tourist, and only stays long enough for me to get my combat scanning probes working. I keep them working and resolve, of all wormholes, a K162 from deadly class 6 w-space. Is ...

Angling for an Anathema

Friday, February 7th, 2014

Aii's here. Is anything happening? Not in the home system, mostly because Aii isn't in the home system. He's ready to come back, though, so I launch probes and start to scan a route for him to use. Our system has gas and, ooh, a wormhole. Where does it lead? ...

Speed scanning

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

I only have time for a short session tonight. This calls for extreme exploration! Speed-scanning, action only. Let's see what I can do. There's nothing for me to do in the home system but leave, so I resolve our static wormhole and go. How's that for a speedy start? You ...

Scanning to nowhere in particular

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

What excitement can I get involved with tonight? Hopefully not too much, or I might explode. Thankfully, it's a quiet start to the evening, as only a data site appears as a new signature in the home system, leaving me jumping through our static wormhole to explore. A tower with ...

Ambush, baited, isolated, escape, and getting home too

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

Having made my way safely to empire space and docked, I'm ready to hit the sack. But now seems like a better time to find my way home than tomorrow, if only because of the random connection from class 3 w-space in to our system. Having home connect to two ...

High-sec is closer than you think

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

Stuck in class 5 w-space. The wormhole home collapsed. Pilots looking to hunt me. It's looking to be an interesting evening. On my side, I have scanning probes already launched, whereas I don't see any from the home fleet on my directional scanner. That should give me a head start ...

Curiosity isolates the Penny

Sunday, February 2nd, 2014

Okay, that was a nice ambush, Penny. The home system is safe. Let's scan, find out what we've got today. Clearly there's one other wormhole, but I also find gas, a relic site, and a third wormhole to accompany our static connection. It's initially surprising to find the third wormhole, ...