Why am I scanning?

Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

There's bountiful gas for Aii to harvest, my colleague coming on-line shortly after I do. But the one other signature that requires checking in the home system resolves to be a second wormhole, which isn't good. Well, it isn't good for Aii, who may not want to suck gas in ...

Outbound to an ore site

Friday, February 21st, 2014

Two gas sites have floated away from the home system, and the two new signatures only replace one of those sites. The other signature is a wormhole, a K162 from class 3 w-space, making it the same as our static wormhole but with a different direction. That's a good excuse ...

Polarisation without purpose

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

Let's go! Out to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, where two drones are all that my directional scanner cares to show me. No tower, no ships, no wrecks. Those poor little drones, left all alone in space few pilots will pass through. At least there are two of them, ...

Careless Caracal

Wednesday, February 19th, 2014

A new signature in the home system catches my interest. I was about to head off-line, after not being able to interrupt the EVE University fleet clearing away Sleepers in our neighbouring class 3 system for more than five minutes, but maybe I can find more to do in a ...

Trying to be a disrupting influence

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

What's out there today? A tower and no ships in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, how novel. Scanning the seven anomalies and five signatures resolves three wormholes and a bit of gas, and as the first wormhole I warp to turns out to be the static exit to low-sec ...

Diverting from a collapse

Monday, February 17th, 2014

Aww, man. All our home anomalies are gone, either plundered by parties unknown or activated in spite. If I could have been bothered to clear them myself I'd be upset. Instead, I'm more concerned about my ship staying responsive in space. It feels good so far! Let's see if jumping ...

No Mammoth, no ghost site

Sunday, February 16th, 2014

Two new gas sites should keep Aii happily busy for a little while. Let's see if our static wormhole can do the same for me. Jumping to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system looks pretty ordinary, with a tower and no ships visible on my directional scanner, so I do ...

Not sucking on an empty siphon

Saturday, February 15th, 2014

Exiting our neighbouring class 3 w-space system through its static wormhole puts me not in the wasteland that is high-sec Aridia but a system in the Kador region. I'm actually glad that I managed to mis-identify that wormhole colouring. I'm also glad that there are five extra signatures in the ...

Crow on Hound

Friday, February 14th, 2014

I'll just have a relaxing pootle around tonight. Unless space has other ideas for me, of course. An extra wormhole in the home system could give me options, but only if I fancy diving through a dying K162 to deadly class 6 system without a current known entrance back in ...

Enemies of your enemies are your friends

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

Following the successful ambush of the Noctis salvager, somewhat unexpected by the fleet who thought our system was clear of pilots, I warp back to their C2 K162 to monitor the situation. The only surprise in seeing the pod of the Noctis jump through is in how long it took ...